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[gnso-osc] GCOT Request for OSC Meeting in Sydney

  • To: <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc] GCOT Request for OSC Meeting in Sydney
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 09:26:10 -0400

I received a request yesterday from the GNSO Council Operations Work
Team (GCOT) for a physical OSC meeting in Sydney.  It had previously
appeared that there was not a good reason for the OSC to have an
in-person OSC meeeting in Sydney so the tentative time slot was used for
another meeting.  That leaves several options that I can think of: 1)
try to find a time during the regular meetings Monday through Thursday;
2) attempt to have the OSC meet with the GCOT in its scheduled meeting
on Sunday in Sydney; 3) schedule a meeting of the OSC on Saturday in
Sydney. I have asked the Ray Fassett (GCOT chair) and Wolf Knoben
(member of the OSC and GCOT) to let me know if they have a preference.
In particular, the GCOT would like to discuss with the OSC how to
proceed with a proposal they have been considering regarding the GNSO
structure where they couldn't find a common view.  They have a document
they have produced that discussed this and I have asked for permission
to submit it to the full OSC in advance.
I will forward the document ASAP and will also provide information
regarding a day and time for the meeting.  In the meantime, it would
help me to know which OSC members will be in Sydney on Saturday and
Sunday, June 20 and 21.  Please let me know right away.

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