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RE: [gnso-osc] FOR ADOPTION May 14 - GCOT Ops Section 2.4 board seats

  • To: "Philip Sheppard" <philip.sheppard@xxxxxx>, <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-osc] FOR ADOPTION May 14 - GCOT Ops Section 2.4 board seats
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 00:39:13 -0400

I made a few suggested edits that I believe are non-substantial but
helpful; they are highlighted in the attached file.  Also, if others
support the edits or some variation of them, I think the OSC could make
them without going back to the GCOT, although we should inform them.  I
change the 1-day durations to 3-days to allow a little more flexibility
for intervening circumstances.  I also change the title of the first
column of the table to make it clear that the tasks could be performed




From: owner-gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Philip Sheppard
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:27 AM
To: gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-osc] FOR ADOPTION May 14 - GCOT Ops Section 2.4 board


Dear OSC members,



Please find attached a revised Section 2.4  of the GNSO operating manual
on the election of Board seats by the GNSO.

The changes - best seen in the red line version - address a specific
issue raised by Avri Doria.

For me this concludes the outstanding items and I believe it is ready
for adoption by the OSC and forwarding to Council.

For good order I propose until May 14 for you approvals or other

Below are notes from GCOT on how they addressed the issues raised.





There was only one recommendation from Avri to clarify paragraph 2.4.3
concerning the process for submitting revisions to the House procedures.
See new language below (redlined in the attached document):   


2.4.3  Detailed Election Procedures


"Each House is responsible for establishing its own internal procedures
for nominations, interviews, voting, and candidate selection; however,
those processes must be documented and forwarded to the GNSO Council for
inclusion as ANNEXES to the GNSO Operating Procedures.  If a House
subsequently elects to alter its procedures, such amendments must be
submitted to the GNSO Council before becoming effective so that the
procedures accurately reflect the actual processes and activities
performed by each House in selecting its candidate. "


Wolf-Ulrich raised a point about Board Seat #14's timing and the need
for the NCP House to begin discussing its preparations (and developing
procedures) for that election.   To facilitate the NCPH's planning in
that regard, I note that, at the end of paragraph 2.4.2-Timing, there is
a clause that reads:


"At the request of the House, the GNSO Secretariat will develop a
specific schedule with actual dates in accordance with the above
timeline. "



Attachment: GCOT ops section 2 4 board seats 4-2010 redline with Gomes edits.doc
Description: GCOT ops section 2 4 board seats 4-2010 redline with Gomes edits.doc

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