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The Term Comparative Evaluation

  • To: <gtld-string@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: The Term Comparative Evaluation
  • From: "Ray Fassett" <ray@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 16:35:12 -0500

The Term "Comparative Evaluation"


I would like to point out what I interpret as a discrepancy in AGB:


In Module 4, under 4.2.3 it reads:


"If more than one applicant scores 11 or more, the evaluators will consider
what portion of the community is represented by the application.  If one
applicant represents a much larger share of the relevant community than
another, that will be a basis for awarding priority."


This above infers a different resolution path for string contention than
what is contained in the explanatory notes for this module under 5.3
Procedure where it states:


"If more than one applicant scores 11 or more...there will be no clear


Understanding the predictability for string contention with this new round,
is it ICANN's intention to avoid evaluating one applicant against another
applicant in all instances of resolving string contention?


If so, then the language contained under 4.2.3 is either an exception or a
misstatement.  If a misstatement, then I would recommend changing the term
"Comparative Evaluation" to "Community Support Check" because the former
carries a legacy meaning from prior gTLD rounds (of evaluating one applicant
against another applicant) and the use of this same term for this round to
describe resolution of string contention is causing confusion.

If an exception, then it would be helpful for the AGB to clearly denote that
the only instance when an applicant will be evaluated against another
applicant is when two or more applicants each achieve the number of points
required to be community-based.


Thank you.


Ray Fassett


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