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potential new agreements

  • To: <biz-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>, <info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>, <org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: potential new agreements
  • From: "Grant Keiser" <grantkeiser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 12:54:23 -0700

This is from a domain owning business person who has been reading up on these 
potential agreements.

I urge you to take a step back from these deals and see them from the 
perspective of other such deals being made throughout the business and 
regulatory world and see if it might seem to you that maybe SOMETHING ABOUT 
THIS DOES NOT SEEM RIGHT.  It seems to be a one-sided sweetheart deal for a few 
certain registrars.  WHY?

 From what I can see, aren't you at ICANN granting to these registrars in these 
potential deals a virtual "power to extort money?"

Why is it you would give to somone who has a potential "vested conflict of 
interest" in a domain name, the power to levy them an unlimited amount of 
renewal fee that could cripple a person's business?  

Why would such an agreement NOT have some form of fair pricing guidelines 
included in it?

Isn't it a lot like giving an agency the power to raise property taxes at their 
discretion, and yet, leaving THAT AGENCY with an incentive to "tax those 
properties they covet" in such a way that they could abuse their taxation 
privilege to either extort money or to outright try to seize control of that 
coveted property for themselves?

Why would ICANN want to "give" such a power to an agency that would NOT have 
the general public's best interests at heart?

This seems to me to be either a gross mistake in judgement or something pretty 
shady going on.  I don't want to think the latter. 

The power to tax is the power to destroy.

I urge you at ICANN to reconsider any and all deals you make to be first and 

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