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No to "variable pricing"

  • To: org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: No to "variable pricing"
  • From: "Joe P." <dubbedover@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:49:19 -0400


I am opposed to the potential price hikes in the .info, .org and .biz domains.

I run a number of small web sites (non-commercial) and I am
firmly opposed to the variable pricing of domain names by the .org

I think its scandelous to increase prices on a service that requires
no overhead like printing, distribution, manufacture etc. other than
that to maintain and run a large DB (this is a simplictic comparison
but its not costing you tons of cash to "make" a .org domain).

I would also urge you to extend this comment period as I know many
people who are unaware of this!

Joe Piston

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