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Request for change of dates so as not to clash with DASARA and DEEPAVALI Important festivals of HINDU RELIGION

  • To: proposed-meeting-dates@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Request for change of dates so as not to clash with DASARA and DEEPAVALI Important festivals of HINDU RELIGION
  • From: First NameVIJAYASREE Nidadhavolu <vijayasreen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:42:41 +0530 (IST)

Hello sir,
The tentative dates of the proposed ICANN Meetings are clashing with two most 
important festivals of Hindu Community They are 
1.DASARA :-Dasara festival is celebrated through out India with devotion for a 
period of 10 days ending with Vijaya Dasami.These 10 days people do fasting and 
evening they pray Goddess DURGA MAATHA .This festival falls in the month of 
September /October.every year and is celebrated by every Hindu where ever 
he/she resides.It will not be possible for Hindus to attend these ICANN Meeting 
if it clashes with these two festivals. 
2.DEEPAVALI.:-This is most important festival of HINDUS .This festival falls in 
the month of October every year and this is a festival  in which the Goddess 
kills the evil and safe guards the good in this world .People perform Maata 
Lakshmi Pooja around 6 pm Each and every house is decorated with colourful 
lights and DEEPAASS  and each and every member of that house will participate 
in the Lakshmi Pooja seeking the blessing of Goddess Lakshmi for providing them 
with health and wealth in its multiple forms.Later entire family participates 
in celebrating the festival by firing Crackers from evening 7 pm till near 
around mid night.
Hence we request you to kindly consider our request and see that the dates of 
any ICANN Meetings do not clash with the dates of these Hindu Festivals every 
Year more particularly these two most celebrated festivals DEEPAVALI and DASARA 
Note:The dates of these two festivals change every year as they are celebrated 
as per Hindu Calender.
This year Dasara festival starts from 19 September 2009 and ends on 28th 
Deepavali festival is on 17th October 2009

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