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Verisign and ICANN settlement

  • To: <settlement-comments@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Verisign and ICANN settlement
  • From: "Heather N Wilson" <nibanrigh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 15:10:26 -0500

As an internet user, I am happy to see a settlement in the dispute between 
Verisign and ICANN. 
Litigation is always costly and time-consuming; costs that could be used for 
charity, and time that could be used making the internet a better place to 
I don't quite understand why the focus has been on any potential price hike or 
internet monopoly. The bigger picture is to keep the internet stable and safe. 
That the UN would have any thoughts to have control of the internet is very 
scary. If that were to happen, countries without the same safety consciousness 
as Verisign Inc. would have the potential to dominate without the benefit of 
ICANN's oversight. 
For me, safety and stability are number one! 
Thank you for your time, 
Heather N. Wilson
Alexandria, Virginia USA

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