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The alternative could be worse

  • To: <settlement-comments@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: The alternative could be worse
  • From: "J Maher" <jczerv@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 15:02:09 -0500

I have read some of the comments posted on this website and I am very
concerned that most people have lost sight of the big picture.  We need
Verisign and ICANN to settle their lawsuit so they can work together or at
least in tandem to avoid the UN getting involved in controlling the
Internet, which is much more scary to me than a few dollars per year for a
domain name.  Yes, we need to keep costs down, but just as every business
owner knows, the cost of doing business increases and, unfortunately, has to
be passed on to the customer.  What they have agreed upon is not an
outrageous settlement.and the alternative could be much worse.  

J. Maher

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