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Re: [soac-mapo] Antony Van Couvering Statement of Internet

  • To: Antony Van Couvering <avc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-mapo] Antony Van Couvering Statement of Internet
  • From: Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 12:04:12 -0500

LOLOLOL.  You do need a sense of humour to go on...

Carlton A Samuels
Mobile: 876-818-1799
Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 2:47 AM, Antony Van Couvering <
avc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> 1.  Current vocation, employer and position:
> Current vocation:  Waiting for Godot
> Employer: Minds + Machines, LLC
> Position: CEO
> 2.  Type of work performed in #1 above:  Tiddlywinks and experimenting with
> different comic verse forms. For instance limericks:
> The GAC denounced Public Morality
> With a decisive instrumentality
> Saying "Now you must fix
> This Module Six,
> And don't speak to us of reality!"
> The difference between content and string
> Is a devil to solve in Beijing
> Or indeed Glasgow
> For it's easy to see how
> The choice is annoying to Konstantine
> And clerihews:
> Bertrand de La Chapelle
> Is a hard man to quell
> His new status gives him authority
> To once again propose a category
> Chuck Gomes is fair
> That's why he's Chair
> He said, "I don't want to cause vexation,
> But I'll be out of touch on vacation."
> 3.    Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership
> interest in registries, registrars or other firms that are interested
> parties in ICANN policy or any entity with which ICANN has a transaction,
> contract, or other arrangement.
> I have an arrangement with Richard Tindal never to speak about that night
> in Paris.
> 4.    Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in ICANN
> GNSO policy development processes and outcomes.
> -- I have an insatiable interest in working group proceedings and often
> listen to my comprehensive collection of MP3 recordings of teleconferences.
>  I secretly make my own recordings and I hope to make money by selling
> pirated versions that include snippets from the beginnings and ends of calls
> that are not included in the official MP3s provided by ICANN.
> Are you representing other parties?
> -- There's a party?  I represent that what are called parties at ICANN are
> nothing of the kind.  All the real parties are elsewhere.  I do not
> represent any of them.
> Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group,
> constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work team
> member.
> --  The business constituency and I have an agreement that I will not join
> them, nor be selected by them for any ICANN work.  I pay AT&T $150/month and
> my therapist $300/hr.
> Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from
> participation in such processes.
> -- So, so many.  It has kept me off the street and prevented a possibly
> lucrative life of crime.  I have a very good knowledge of hotels near the
> L.A. airport.  I have been lectured on the importance of the global
> information society by ministers of communication of several autocratic
> states.  I have over 1 million miles on American Airlines.  I know now that
> trademarks exist to protect the consumer.  I have learned that unlike any
> other technology, the cost of a domain name magically increases as a
> registry makes more of them.  I can't say if these benefits are tangible or
> intangible.
> For example, if you are an academic or NGO and use your position to advance
> your ability to participate, this should be a part of the statement of
> interest, just as should employment by a contracted party, or a business
> relationship with a non- contracted party who has an interest in policy
> outcomes.
> -- Sensu stricto, I am an NGO, unaffiliated with any government, although
> my company does provide taxes to the State of New York for the privilege of
> paying me to write SOIs.  This has not advanced my interests in the least.
> 5.   Are you a member of a GNSO Constituency / Stakeholder Group, and if
> yes, which one(s)?  No, but I still have my ICANN membership card.

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