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No to xxx tld

  • To: <xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: No to xxx tld
  • From: "Brent Axford" <axford@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 13:12:59 -0800

As a member of the adult webmaster industry since 1996, I have no interest in 
using a .xxx tld.   

First off the prices you propose to charge are excessive at best.   2nd having 
all people using TLD is a dream, and not a reality.  Curbing the real issues 
facing the adult online industry will not be stopped because of this TLD.   
Crooks will always find ways to get their product out, and it will be thru the 
.com url's.  

This TLD does nobody any good except for ICANN trying to capitialize on 
increased yearly fees and is resoundly renounced by the adult community.

- Brent Axford

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