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  • To: xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Opposed
  • From: Jason Freiburger <jfreiburger@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 22:29:08 -0500

<P>To whom...</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I am strongly 
opposed to creating a domain that would allow pornography to reign on the 
internet with little supervision.&nbsp; Kids would obviously learn where to 
go--I don't think XXX is too challenging of a domain to find.&nbsp; Instead of 
guessing with domain endings they could simply type in pretty much anything XXX 
and would arrive at a porn site.&nbsp; Please protect our children from 
<P>Jason Freiburger<BR>

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