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Username: garyfcampbell
Date/Time: Wed, October 25, 2000 at 11:15 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Compaq support for .DIR


The .DIR TLD request from Novell is key for the industry. The Internet is driving new business models. The network is no longer a tool for business, it is the medium in which business is done. Successful e-commerce companies will create digital communities by flattening their business model and extending their core business process to their partners, customers and employees. By leveraging directories, companies can improve control of Internet access to critical data, ease Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) deployment, enhance network management, and manage relationships.

The .DIR TLD proposal is where the Internet and directories can intersect. It provides a ubiquitous rendezvous point for both business-to-business and consumer-to-business services. Because .DIR is a restricted domain (like .EDU or .GOV), minimum standards ensure interoperability between directories (.DIR sites) and prevents cyber squatting. In addition, the .DIR extension provides a clean namespace for directory access from the Internet, avoiding name collisions with other approaches.  Past directory solutions, such as X.500, required that the entire directory be owned, managed, and maintained by a single entity.  Through .DIR, organizations could gain all of the benefits of a ubiquitous Internet directory while maintaining ownership and access control rights over their directory entries.

Compaq recognizes that there may be multiple ways to provide similar functionality (like However, an open industry standard access and a simplified namespace will accelerate e-business applications to the forefront of our economy. 

Gary Campbell
Compaq Computers
CTO Enterprise Servers


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