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[alac] GNSO Council Call

  • To: alac@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [alac] GNSO Council Call
  • From: Thomas Roessler <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 16:08:33 +0200

* new gTLD process/strategy: Council will set up a small sub-group
  that puts together input on GNSO's view on the procedural side of
  the strategy.  This input will be concerned with things such as
  GNSO's time lines for providing meaningful input to ICANN.

* WHOIS.  Brief status report on TF 1&2 (Cade); moving forward on
  "conspicuous notice", moving forward more slowly on conflicts
  between RAA and applicable law, having the next call on tiered
  access in two weeks.
  Tonkin recommends that for Cape Town Task Force have at least one
  recommendation ready for public forum.  On tiered access, Task
  Force meeting in Cape Town, not public forum.
  TF3: Draft recommendations exist, excellent analysis from
  registrars constituency.  Currently, two-party negotiations
  between IPC, registrars. This is not a consensus process.  More
  participation from constituencies other needed.
  There is a factual analysis by Ross Rader of various positions.

* Council review.  2 vs 3 Council reps per constituency?

* Council chair?  Extend current chair's time of office by 3 months?
  (Term of current chair ends on 20 November.)

* WIPO 2.  IPC concerned that board make decision in Cape Town on
  this, but GNSO has no idea what kind of recommendation board is
  getting from staff & president.  There will be Council request to
  ICANN staff on this question.

* Miscellaneous discussion.

Thomas Roessler ยท Personal soap box at <http://log.does-not-exist.org/>.

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