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RE: [alac] regional, cultural, city TLDs

  • To: "Sebastian Ricciardi" <sricciardi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [alac] regional, cultural, city TLDs
  • From: "John L" <johnl@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 17 Jan 2006 16:38:17 -0500

Why should ICANN grants the registry business to some guys promoting .AERO
(and other sponsored TLDs) and not for those who think their special
interest deserve a new gTLD!

No reason I can think of.

That's why ICANN desperately needs a set of TLD policies so a clerk can handle the applications rather than having to waste months of board tome on them.

John Levine, johnl@xxxxxxxx, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be, http://iecc.com/johnl, Mayor
"I dropped the toothpaste", said Tom, crestfallenly.

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