Re: [alac] Preparing tel conf
Can we shift some stuff to online discussion?It would be great to try, though!
- self review (all of us should have finished comments/vote by thursday this week) Remember, it's <>. Sorry public list-readers, it's passworded. If you don't like it as it is, edit it! - vote on ALSes (due diligence forms should be completed the end of this week - Bruce?)
- regional RALO Roadmaps
- operational plan Can we post this to the ICANNwiki? Until we have a tracking system, at least we should put everything online where we can all refer to and update the same documents. It's also been suggested that ALAC should help to track compliance with existing policies. Siavash, can we post your list of ALAC issues to the ICANNwiki as well, and keep track on there of progress? - proposal for studies/polls IDNs. Let's identify a few subsets of people in countries where the native language uses a non-ASCII character set and find a way to ask them what they'd most like to see in IDNs. - running two websites
- set up of email lists I'm talking with Bruce this week. Any particular requests? Perhaps we can actually resolve this... - preparing next ICANN meeting
- procedure for drafting an MOU for RALOs - next tel conf - other issues