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Re: [alac] Re: Domain Monetization Background

  • To: John L <johnl@xxxxxxxx>, Jean Armour Polly <mom@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [alac] Re: Domain Monetization Background
  • From: Bret Fausett <bfausett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 15:36:42 -0700

> I have not yet seen any registry coming to ICANN asking for relief.

My understanding is that, at least for a time, Verisign was quietly
supportive of the tasting issue. When the conversion rate of tasted domains
to registered domains was relatively high, Verisign was actively making
money on the increased registrations and viewed tasting as an acquisition
cost for a certain type of new registration. Now that the easily monetized
domains already have been registered, and the conversion rate is quite low,
it's less happy with the practice.

I've also been told by registrars that the .ORG objection to the practice is
being pushed by Afilias, the .ORG back-end, which does not have as robust an
infrastructure as Verisign and is less able to handle the load. The
registries that can handle it, Neustar and Verisign, don't really object
because it leads to more registrations...at least for now.


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