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RE: [bc-gnso] Registry Conf Call & Proposal for meeting with .BRANDS

  • To: "Ron Andruff" <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [bc-gnso] Registry Conf Call & Proposal for meeting with .BRANDS
  • From: martinsutton@xxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 16:39:43 +0000


For many of the .brand applicants, ICANN and the gTLD programme (still) 
represents an insignificant part of their overall business.  Hence, many 
applicants will expect their consultants to cover the ICANN chores, rather 
than be present themselves.

Nevertheless, I would hope that those applicants based closer to Beijing 
will be taking the opportunity to attend in April.

As you know, I am an applicant for .hsbc and have been engaging with other 
.brand applicants to identify ways to ensure that our interests are 
represented within the ICANN structure going forward. I would be happy to 
facilitate a discussion with the BC on .brand perspectives with those that 
will be available in Beijing. In the meantime, the attached paper was 
submitted by this group to ICANN in response to the public comment period 
for the RA changes;


Kind regards,


Martin C SUTTON 
Group Risk 
Manager, Group Fraud Risk and Intelligence | HSBC HOLDINGS PLC HGHQ
Group Security & Fraud Risk
8 Canada Square,Canary Wharf,London,E14 5HQ,United Kingdom

+44 (0)20 7991 8074 / 7991 8074
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Protect our environment - please only print this if you have to!

"Ron Andruff" <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"'Elisa Cooper'" <Elisa.Cooper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'bc - GNSO list'" 
04/03/2013 16:09
RE: [bc-gnso] Registry Conf Call & Proposal for meeting with .BRANDS
Sent by:

Thanks for the prompt reply, Elisa.
Considering that there are 637 brand TLD applications, one would think 
that all (or a majority of them) would be showing up at an ICANN meeting, 
so I am somewhat surprised that you are aware of only a few attending… 
Perhaps, as Chair, you could work with our Secretariat to send invitations 
out to all of them?  That outreach could have a tangential benefit 
insomuch as the invitees may also be potential BC members.  We have some 
six weeks or so before the meeting, why not go for it?
Regarding the webinar suggestion, I am a strong believer of face-to-face 
meetings whenever possible so my first vote goes there.  If we do go the 
webinar route, I would recommend a new title: A New Era for Business on 
the Internet: Informing and Educating about .BRANDs. 
Hope that this helps move this discussion forward.
Kind regards,
Ronald N. Andruff
RNA Partners, Inc.

From: Elisa Cooper [mailto:Elisa.Cooper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 10:27 AM
To: Ron Andruff; 'bc - GNSO list'
Subject: RE: [bc-gnso] Registry Conf Call & Proposal for meeting with 
I am on the call – but will only be able to attend the first 60 minutes. 
The call will be recorded and transcribed for those unable to attend.
Regarding your separate comment - I would be in support of inviting 
.Brands to meet with us in Beijing. Of those that I personally know that 
are attending (which is just a few), I have already invited them to join 
our meeting scheduled on Constituency Day (Tuesday).
That said, we might also consider reaching out to them and inviting them 
prior to Beijing, to a webinar entitled, “Understanding and Influencing 
Elisa Cooper
Director of Product Marketing
208 389-5779 PH
From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf 
Of Ron Andruff
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 8:10 AM
To: 'bc - GNSO list'
Subject: [bc-gnso] Registry Conf Call & Proposal for meeting with .BRANDS
Good morning all.
Just sending a note to the list to inquire as to how many BC members will 
be on the Registry call that is starting now?  Perhaps our Secretriat 
could pull together a list for everyone’s benefit?
Separately, in preparation for this call I was going through the filings 
and came to realize (again) that that there are 637 .BRANDS from the 1900. 
 Many of them are brands we know and some are BC members.  Others we don’t 
Question for the Ex  Com: Would it not make sense to invite the .BRANDS to 
come to meet the BC in Beijing?  For my part, it would be extremely 
helpful to hear from them and to have an opportunity to learn more. 
Perhaps we could invite them for the CSG breakfast on Tuesday, if guests 
have not already been scheduled for that meeting slot. 
It seems to me that BC members would benefit greatly from meeting with 
businesses that are applying for top-level domains.
My two cents.
Kind regards,
Ronald N. Andruff
RNA Partners, Inc.

HSBC Holdings plc
Registered Office: 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ, United Kingdom
Registered in England number 617987


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Attachment: BRG position paper registry agreement 2-2013.pdf.zip
Description: Zip archive

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