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[bc-gnso] FOR REVIEW: draft BC comment on proposed final 2013 RAA (Registrar Accreditation Agreement)

  • To: "bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] FOR REVIEW: draft BC comment on proposed final 2013 RAA (Registrar Accreditation Agreement)
  • From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 11:49:12 +0000

ICANN has posted the proposed final 2013 RAA (Registrar Accreditation 
Agreement) for public comment. 

Anjali Hansen admirably volunteered to draft BC comments.  Several BC members 
provided input, including Ron Andruff, Bill Smith, Susan Kawaguchi, Zahid 
Jamil, and Elisa Cooper.

We held a conference call on this topic on 2-May where many others provided 
ideas. (call 

Still, Anjali shows several pending questions in the attached draft.   We need 
further help from BC members with direct experience dealing with registrars and 
privacy/proxy providers.

Comment period closes 4-Jun.   That allows our regular 14-day review and 
approval period.  So, please REPLY ALL with your suggested edits and comments 
regarding this draft, before 28-May-2013.

Steve DelBianco
Vice chair for policy coordination
Business Constituency

From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx> 
[mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Steve DelBianco
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 2:54 AM
To: 'bc - GNSO list'
Subject: [bc-gnso] Notes from Monday 8-April Beijing session on new RAA

ICANN staff just spent an hour answering BC questions about the new RAA 
(registrar Accreditation Agreement).

The main element of controversy is the process for ICANN to amend the RAA. On 
2-April, ICANN proposed a new amendment process 

The notes below may be helpful for volunteers Anjali Hansen and Zahid Jamil, 
who volunteered last week to draft BC  comments on the new RAA.

Law enforcement items were first priority for negotiation.  ICANN says the LEA 
items are agreed by registrars, so ICANN added a dozen “new asks”, incl:
- EBERO, Registrant Rights, data escrow, abuse contact,
- obligations for registrars using Resellers,
- greater compliance tools, incl provision that “pattern or practice of 
cybersquatting” is grounds for termination )

Made progress on privacy /proxy services (P/P) since Toronto.   Temporary P/P 
specification while ICANN develops accreditation program.   In response to a 
compliance question, Samantha said the P/P Spec sets high level principles that 
are actually easy to enforce.   At my request, Susan Kawaguchi is drafting BC 
comment on just this specification since she has significant experience with 
P/P issues.

I asked about delay to the P/P accreditation in light of the Expert Group on 
Directory Services.   Samantha said that Registrars truly want ICANN to do a 
P/P accreditation program so it would apply to all P/P providers – not just 
those affiliated with Registrars who have to sign the RAA.

RAA will be a model document, so its not subject to negotiation with each 
registrar (except for bilateral amendments).  So negotiations won’t be a 
bottleneck for getting registrars on-board.

I asked whether the RAA needed exceptions for registrars created just to 
service a dot-brand gTLD.  (single registrant, single-user) Such as transition 
on termination; Rights to data; transfers, etc.    Staff and BC members could 
not come up with concerns that would call for exceptions.

Public comment would be valuable in these areas:
Registrant rights & responsibilities.  This was drafted by registrars.
Validation of registrant data (registrant and account holder?)
Penalties for inaccurate data
Registrars want to drop Port 43 access for thick registries
Unilateral amendment by ICANN.  See Cyrus blog on 2-Apr

Ron Andruff asked if the next iteration of the RAA will be posted for public 
comment.  Answer was not definitive, so I asked Ron to draft a couple 
paragraphs of rationale for BC comments.

Attachment: BC Comment on final RAA [draft v1].docx
Description: BC Comment on final RAA [draft v1].docx

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