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Re: [bc-gnso] NomCom

  • To: "J. Scott Evans" <jscottevans@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [bc-gnso] NomCom
  • From: stephvg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 18:23:10 +0200

I want to also apologize for not making today's call. I was also traveling and 
although I had arranged my travel around this call, I ended up being delayed 
and unable to join.

To J Scott's point about the NomCom, having given this some thought I agree 
that we should aim for two reps that are truly representative of their business 
areas. As was discussed before on this list, we as a group are fortunate to 
have two reps so we should make sure we provide the NomCom with appropriate 
candidates from those two business sectors (large and small).

I'm afraid I can't agree with the geo diversity argument however. To me, the 
need for geo diversity within ICANN is to make sure that regional 
representation is real, not theoretical. I would have no problem trusting a US 
rep to represent my views for example, but would still rather there was an 
actual slot for a European if possible. If no European is available to fill 
that slot, and a US rep is, then fine. But I think it should work in that order.

Sorry if I misunderstood the point. There was obviously some heated discussion 
during today's call so I certainly do not want to add to it.



Le 1 juil. 2013 à 17:54, J. Scott Evans <jscottevans@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Dear  All:
> I am sorry that I could not make the call today.  Y! Pride and a husband that 
> has to catch a plane have me committed elsewhere.
> However, I do want to chime in on the NomCom issue.  First, I think I have 
> been crystal clear about the absolute need to have a large business 
> representative and a small business representative from the respective groups 
> in order to maintain the credibility of these two separate seats for the BC.  
> Second, as for geographic diversity, I do not think that we need to 
> manipulate the results of any election to have geographic diversity.  I think 
> it is incumbent upon the elected NomCom reps to remember to reach out to 
> non-North American BC members to ensure that we are serving our entire 
> membership in the appropriate manner.  That point should go for any position 
> for which we designate a BC member to serve.
> Lastly, I want to call out Marilyn Cade for behavior that I find totally 
> offensive.  Her repeated attempts to assassinate the character of Sarah 
> Deutsch for her previous service to the BC on the NomCom is totally unfounded 
> and offensive.  I had the honor of serving with Sarah on the NomCom as the 
> IPC representative.  I can, without hesitation, say that Sarah served the BC 
> with honor and fought hard to get good candidates selected to all the 
> positions.  What is truly sad is how hard Sarah fought and how Marilyn, who 
> was then Chair, has failed to acknowledge Sarah's service.  I know some may 
> not appreciate my being so direct on the list, but I think it is time we 
> openly discuss Marilyn's unprofessional behavior on this point.  I respect 
> Marilyn and appreciate all she has done and continues to do for business, but 
> on this issue she is simply wrong.
> J. Scott
> j. scott evans -  head of global brand, domains & copyright - Yahoo! Inc. - 
> 408.349.1385 - jscottevans@xxxxxxxxx

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