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[bc-gnso] FOR MONDAY DISCUSSION: BC Comment on ATRT2 - Accountability & Transparency Team's Draft Review

  • To: "bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] FOR MONDAY DISCUSSION: BC Comment on ATRT2 - Accountability & Transparency Team's Draft Review
  • From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 11:57:59 +0000

For the BC meeting today in Buenos Aires (noon in Retiro B), please try to 
review the ATRT2.

The second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2) was convened as 
part of the Affirmation of Commitments.  (ATRT2 

The ATRT2 has published its draft review/recommendations 
 including these recommendation:
• establish clear metrics and benchmarks against which improvements in 
accountability and transparency can be measured;
• communicate clearly and consistently about its accountability and 
transparency mechanisms and performance; and
• improve and prioritize its AoC Review processes.

Initial comments are due 22-Nov and reply comments close 13-Dec

The BC offered several suggestions to the ATRT2 when they began in Jun-2013  

Anjali Hansen, Elisa Cooper, and Angie Graves volunteered to cover parts of the 
document for the BC.  Elisa drafted comments on meetings (first attachment) and 
Angie on multi-lingual resources.

Steve DelBianco
Executive Director
http://www.NetChoice.org and http://blog.netchoice.org

Attachment: BC Comments - ATRT2 - [Elisa] - Rec 15, 16, 17.doc
Description: BC Comments - ATRT2 - [Elisa] - Rec 15, 16, 17.doc

Attachment: BC Comments - ATRT2 [Angie] Rec 18, 19, 22.docx
Description: BC Comments - ATRT2 [Angie] Rec 18, 19, 22.docx

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