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[bc-gnso] Election Procedure: BC Officer Elections 2014

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Election Procedure: BC Officer Elections 2014
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 15:00:48 +0100

Dear BC Members,


Please find attached the election procedure for the upcoming BC Officer
elections which will open on Jan. 30th, 2014. 


The attached election procedure covers:
.    time-frames for the three stage process outlined in the BC Charter
.    description of open seats; 
.    who is eligible to nominate, or accept a nomination
.    how to nominate; 
.    how to accept a nomination, 
.    candidate statements
.    when the elections will be held,
.    outcomes of election announcement 
.    as exception: ties in any election

The BC Charter provides the basis for the elections and is referenced in the
relevant sections of the Elections Process, in particular Sections 4.2-4.7,
5, and 8.2.3.  Eligibility for participation in the elections process is
referenced in Section 11, regarding payment of Membership fees. Eligibility
to stand for election is referenced in section 4.7 of the Charter. 

Questions about status of payment of dues should be sent to
<mailto:bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx> bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx, but final status
is determined by the BC ExComm who will make final determinations based on
payments received. 

The detailed description of the Elections and Voting process is provided in
the attached document so that all members are fully informed of the
Elections Process and can avail themselves fully of the opportunity to
nominate or stand for office, and vote, if eligible.  


Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat





Attachment: Election Procedure for BC Officer Election 2014.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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