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[board-09georegionswg] REMINDER - Doodle / Update - and Scheduling Next Geo Regions Review WG Meeting

  • To: "board-09georegionswg@xxxxxxxxx" <board-09georegionswg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [board-09georegionswg] REMINDER - Doodle / Update - and Scheduling Next Geo Regions Review WG Meeting
  • From: Gisella Gruber-White <Gisella.Gruber-White@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:13:48 -0800

Reminder to please complete the Doodle poll.
Thank you
Kind regards,

From: Robert Hoggarth 
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 14:01:03 -0800
To: "board-09georegionswg@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:board-09georegionswg@xxxxxxxxx>" 
Subject: [board-09georegionswg] Update - and Scheduling Next Geo Regions Review 
WG Meeting

Dear Working Group Members;

Happy New Year to you all! In an effort to plan and focus the Working Group’s 
efforts between now and the ICANN #40 Public Meeting in San Francisco, the 
Chair has authorized me to circulate the following Doodle Scheduling Poll link 
- http://doodle.com/byfmtxwexxtzuvnv - to see if we can hold a telephonic 
meeting the week of 24 January.  The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss 
the evaluation of community forum comments regarding the Interim Report and the 
process/plan/schedule for drafting and publishing the Final Report document 
later this year.

The Interim Report Public Comment Forum ( 
http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#geo-regions-interim-report) is 
scheduled to remain open until 30 January 2011. To date, only one comment has 
been submitted, but there is still time to encourage members of your 
communities to submit comments!

The WG conducted a productive community workshop last month in Cartagena to 
promote interest in the WG effort, the Interim Report and the Public Comment 
Forum.  I counted a total of 51 separate workshop attendees during some period 
of the 60-minute session and there were a number of really interesting 
comments, questions and observations from attendees. The supply of 25 thumb 
drives (including the Interim Report in all 6 UN languages and a copy of Dave’s 
overview presentation) that I had prepared to share with interested community 
members was quickly exhausted. Thanks to Dave, Olga and Carlton for 
participating and fielding community questions. I am working to get the 
recording of the Cartagena session transcribed and will share it with you all 
when it is completed.  I think we should also post a copy of the transcript in 
the Public Comment Forum. You should all probably discuss whether you want to 
conduct another workshop in San Francisco.

Again, the scheduling poll can be accessed at this link - 
http://doodle.com/byfmtxwexxtzuvnv. Consistent with standard WG practice, the 
times options each day are either 1200 UTC or 1300 UTC.  Please complete the 
poll by COB next Monday (17 January) so that we can identify and announce the 
day and time that works best for the most number of people. Thanks!

Best regards,

Rob Hoggarth

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