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[dssa] weekly status report

  • To: dssa@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [dssa] weekly status report
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:13:11 -0500

hi all,

the end of holiday season for many of us and the conversation is starting to 
perk up.  status is still "all good" but we are arriving at a consensus-call 
moment that i need to draw your attention to.

Greg Aaron posted a note to the list titled "what topics are in-scope, and why" 
on 5-Sept (http://forum.icann.org/lists/dssa/msg00205.html) that we reviewed on 
the call this week.  there was agreement among people on the call that this was 
a good framework that enhances and refines the scope portion of our charter.  
so we decided to invoke our "two call rule" -- we'll revisit Greg's proposal on 
the upcoming call this week and, if the agreement holds, we'll move Greg's 
proposal into a brand new pile of documents around which there's consensus.

so please review Greg's note again, and join the conversation on the list if 
you have concerns or refinements.  we'll take a run at wrapping the 
conversation up on Thursday.

also take a look at the latest version of the "Threats" mind-map 
(https://community.icann.org/display/AW/Threats) and note that we've started 
using this refined view of scope to evaluate which parts of the mind map are 
in/out of scope.  we worked on the "Threats to underlying infrastructure" leg 
of the map and, if you expand that part of the map in either Adobe or 
MindManager, you'll see the color-coding that we're starting to use to indicate 
our choices.  Red = out of scope, green = in-scope, light-green="it depends on 
circumstance" and no color means we haven't decided yet.  

as usual, i've posted the newest versions of the file to the wiki -- the two 
that changed this week were the already-mention "Threats" tree and the 
"Background materials" tree as we picked up a couple more ideas during the call.



Attachment: DSSA Status report 19 Sheet1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

- - - - - - - - -
phone   651-647-6109 (try this first, but routing is currently flakey 'cause of 
the hurricane so feel free to hit the cell if this number just rings)

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