[gnso-ccwg-dt] Cross community working groups
Hi All, I have made a revision to the discussion document I previously circulated, not redlined I am afraid. The current version aims to absorb all of the recent online and in-meeting discussion as well as the reference material. However, it is still a little rough in some areas and I’d appreciate any input on structure or content. Significantly, the way forward suggested by ICANN staff in the form of Draft Principles seem to me to be succinct and sound and to effectively respond to key concerns raised to date. So the two key questions that you might have in mind when reading the attached are: 1. Does it accurately and effectively describe the reason for the work. 2. Does the way forward adequately cover our / your view and represent a sound and comprehensive basis for GNSO and then wider consensus. I look forward to any input or comment on this that you may be able to provide ahead of Singapore. Best wishes, Jonathan Attachment:
CCWGs - GNSO Discussion Document - V2 June 2011.docx