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[gnso-ccwg-dt] Update following the Dakar meeting

  • To: "gnso-ccwg-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ccwg-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ccwg-dt] Update following the Dakar meeting
  • From: Liz Gasster <liz.gasster@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 12:48:22 -0700


Many thanks to those who were able to participate in our (early AM local time!) 
Dakar meeting.  Special thanks in particular to Edmon Chung, Alan Greenberg and 
Wendy Seltzer for offering their detailed and thoughtful assessments of 
cross-community WGs based on their extensive experiences as active participants 
and chairs of several recent Cross-SO and AC groups.  The speakers highlighted 
areas of importance that should be considered carefully when developing 
principles applicable to such groups.  Those who were not able to attend the 
session are strongly encouraged to review the transcript 
(http://dakar42.icann.org/meetings/dakar2011/transcript-ccwg-27oct11-en.pdf ).

Key meeting points:

1.       Presentations and Initial discussion:  The initial discussion focused 
around key themes emphasized by the first speakers, including: the need for 
clearly defined scope; the importance of understanding the perspectives (and 
processes) of each SO and AC and the need to recognize unique aspects of each 
SO and AC; and the desire to strike an appropriate balance between simplicity 
and allowing the flexibility to accommodate varying processes of SOs and ACs 
while retaining enough structure and rules to ensure confidence and 
predictability in how these groups conduct their work.

2.       Discussion of next steps:  The group agreed with a suggestion made by 
Chuck Gomes to seek GNSO Council concurrence to reach out in short order to 
other SOs and ACs to work collaboratively on the principles and rules 
applicable to CWGs as a way to accelerate progress by this group.

3.       The group began reviewing and editing the draft principles that have 
previously been circulated (see slides pp. 8-9 here:  
http://dakar42.icann.org/meetings/dakar2011/presentation-ccwg-27oct11-en.pdf ). 
 Due to time limitations, the group did not complete this discussion - redline 
edits are included in the attached (reformatted as a Word document) so that you 
can follow the discussion - we only began to discuss the first "practice".  
This can be continued on our upcoming call - please look for the "doodle" which 
will be sent shortly to find a time for the group to meet next week.

Please let me know if I've missed any edits that were discussed - these are a 
work in progress by the group.

Best regards, Liz

Attachment: Draft Principles for CWGs Dakar edits.docx
Description: Draft Principles for CWGs Dakar edits.docx

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