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Re: [gnso-consensus-wg] Attempt at final de minimis consensus

  • To: gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-consensus-wg] Attempt at final de minimis consensus
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 13:52:41 +0200


You may not have heard, though I am sure I have used words that had similar content at various points. I have certainly never given a reason as in - this benefits my constituency or we will lose money if you do that. Rather I give reasons about issues that affect the public interest. I suggest you read some of the comments I submitted on the new gTLD policy, though they were all in the minority, they all impinged on the public interest. And whether you agree with my perception of what is in the public interest or not, it is what i consider on all policy votes: in so far as i understand the issue and the relevant public interest, what is the right thing to do?

So I, and other nomcom appointees I have spoken to , do not accept the reduction of the nomcom appointee's participation to just tie breaking, the duty is far greater then that. It ,ay have been one of the reason for creation of the role, but it is not its entire reason for being.

And as Alan has explained, this is not my fantasy and not something I have made up to thwart a complex, incomplete and confusing compromise, it is the volunteer job I took. And I have taken that duty seriously as have other nomcom appointees.


On 24 Jul 2008, at 12:57, philip.sheppard@xxxxxx wrote:

Avri, your tenancity to 3 nom com defies all logic.

Today here are 3 to tie break the current structure.
Tomorrow there may be a number X to tie break that structure.

Whats more to my knowledge the first time I have ever heard public
interest mentiond by you or any nom com ever is when I started using the
Never has a nom com delegate said "I have considered the public interest and believe I must vote ths way" - perhaps they all thought it every GNSO
vote but I fear not. Many told me otherwise.

Contrarily we are proposing at large - the voice of public interest (if
not what is it and why does it exist? and if it is not that voice lets
scrap it and find something that is) - inside the camp so all is not lost.


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