[gnso-consumercci-dt] Comments to draft v2 of advice on CCI
Steve, all,I would like to thank Steve for the excellent document he has circulated. Please find attached an version with my comments. I have primarily attempted to edit the document in order to improve its readability (although the document was already very clear). In addition, I suggested some minor amendments. Since I am relatively new to this group, and to the ICANN community, I should perhaps briefly introduce myself. I am Research Fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway. Some of you may know my colleague Jon Bing, who served on the GNSO council a few years ago. I teach IT law, such as Electronic Communications Law (i.e., European sector-specific competition law). Although I joined this group fairly recently, I did participate in the discussions in Singapore and Dakar. In my view, the document indicates that the group has made a lot of progress. At the same time I think there is some room for improvement. In particular, the distinction between competition and consumer choice could be made clearer. I believe it would be useful to base the understanding and measures for competition more clearly the economic theory of competition. As you know, this also forms the conceptual basis for competition laws. I am aware of the fact that this group may have closed such discussions. However, if we fail to address this issue now, it may return to us later, e.g., from the GAC and national competition agencies. I would be happy to expand on this during a later call, if the issue is not completely closed. Best regards, Tobias -- Tobias Mahler, PhD Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL) Faculty of Law, University of Oslo http://www.jus.uio.no/ifp/english/people/aca/tobiasm/index.html http://folk.uio.no/tobiasm/ Phone (office) +47 2285 0087 On 11.01.2012 21:43, Steve DelBianco wrote: Here's an updated draft of our advice document, reflecting discussion during yesterday's call. Berry Cobb will update his Excel sheet to match the new Measure descriptors and circulate in next day or so. As you make edits and add comments to the document, please use Track Changes and please reply ALL. It's clear that we need a careful review of all Measures in here. If possible, indicate your comments and edits about Measures within the respective table row. Regards, Steve -- Steve DelBianco Executive Director NetChoice http://www.NetChoice.org and http://blog.netchoice.org +1.202.420.7482 Attachment: