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Re: [gnso-consumercci-dt] The Consumer Metrics Motions Passes......
- To: "gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [gnso-consumercci-dt] The Consumer Metrics Motions Passes......
- From: Cheryl Langdon-Orr <langdonorr@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 05:58:46 +1100
Thanks for the update Berry (and thanks to the whole WG for your
contributions and sometimes spirited debate - it was indeed a pleasure to
work with you all on this issue) Yes Berry I'm sure you will continue to
see some of us ALACers involved in relevant future GNSO WG's but
regardless of that catching up at the next opportunity with any and all of
you (thinking of Beijing of course) is something I'll be looking forward to
Jonathan thanks for taking up the helm after Rosemary had to step away
(as life "got in the way") ... Steve I do so love working with you but is
is getting scary how often we seem in simpatico as we draft and fine tune
text... Your HUGE contribution to our work deserves a particular 'shout
out' from my *biased* point of view... Berry you have been => well a
marvel setting a new benchmark in 'staff support' as far as I'm concerned
We still have a ways to go on this topic in the wider ICANN world and of
course the 'rest is yet to come' including with the RT when it is formed
but I'm personally pleased with this well built foundation for metrics and
I'd also like to wish *'All of You and Yours the very Best Wishes and
Greetings of the Season, and all the Best for a Prosperous 2013*...
*Cheryl Langdon-Orr ... **(CLO)*
On 21 December 2012 03:41, Michael R. Graham <mgraham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Berry:****
> ** **
> Thank you for your comments and for herding the cats through this
> process. We should also thank, I believe, Jonathan for supplying his
> mathematical acumen to determine the fate of the motion. Finally, Happy
> Holidays to all!****
> ** **
> Michael R.****
> ** **
> Michael R. Graham
> Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
> 233 South Wacker Drive
> 6300 Willis Tower
> Chicago, IL 60606-6357
> Direct: (312) 474-6616
> Firm: (312) 474-6300
> Fax: (312) 474-0448
> mgraham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> www.marshallip.com
> The material in this transmission may contain confidential information. If
> you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure or use of this
> information by you is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> transmission in error, please delete it, destroy all copies and notify
> Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP by return e-mail or by telephone at (312)
> 474-6300. Thank you.
> *From:* owner-gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:
> owner-gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Neuman, Jeff
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:31 AM
> *To:* Berry Cobb; gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* RE: [gnso-consumercci-dt] The Consumer Metrics Motions
> Passes......****
> ** **
> I would like to echo the thanks to your hard work on this and for working
> with me on the issues the registry SG had with the initial final report. I
> made those statements on the council call as well, but thought I would
> thank you all as well here.****
> Happy Holidays.****
> ** **
> Best regard,****
> ** **
> *Jeffrey J. Neuman**
> **Neustar, Inc. / Vice President, Business Affairs*****
> ** **
> *From:* owner-gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx [
> mailto:owner-gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx<owner-gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx>]
> *On Behalf Of *Berry Cobb
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:24 AM
> *To:* gnso-consumercci-dt@xxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* [gnso-consumercci-dt] The Consumer Metrics Motions Passes......
> *Importance:* High****
> ** **
> FYI,****
> ** **
> The motion to send the advice to the Board has passed the GNSO Council.***
> *
> ** **
> I’d like to thank everyone on the WG for their hard work and team effort
> to build this advice. It is the second of many more efforts to come until
> the AoC review. While this work took a while, I believe this is an example
> of successful community collaboration to be referenced for future WGs. **
> **
> ** **
> Happy Holidays everyone! Take care everyone and see you on the next WG.**
> **
> ** **
> B****
> ** **
> Berry Cobb****
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)****
> 720.839.5735****
> mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx****
> @berrycobb****
> ** **
> ** **

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