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AIM support for this petition

  • To: <gnso-consumers-constituency@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: AIM support for this petition
  • From: "Philip Sheppard" <philip.sheppard@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 14:15:56 +0200

The stated mission of this new constituency is:

"The major areas of consumer interest related to the Internet are issues such 
as fraud,
spam, phishing, and identity theft; .... While "cybercrime" issues do not 
directly fall
within ICANN's remit, none of this activity is possible without using the DNS 
for abusive
and fraudulent activity. Thus, the focus of the Consumers Constituency will be 
to ensure
that consumers' safety, security and stability concerns regarding the DNS are 
represented within ICANN policy development". 

This aspect of DNS development has been neglected for too long in ICANN
This are the hidden "externalities" of ICANN policy development where the costs 
are borne by

AIM, representing major blue chip and SME consumer-focused companies welcomes 
this petition.
A stable internet is more than technical stability. It is an Internet that does 
not have its
business potential compromised by fear of fraud and exposure to criminality.

Philip Sheppard
AIM - European Brands Association
9 avenue des Gaulois
1040 Brussels

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