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[gnso-dow123] Preliminary summary 7 June Whois task force call

  • To: <gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-dow123] Preliminary summary 7 June Whois task force call
  • From: "Maria Farrell" <maria.farrell@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 19:24:34 +0200

Dear all,
Below is the preliminary summary of this week's whois task force call.  
All the best, Maria


WHOIS conference call

7 June 2005 


Preliminary summary




Jordyn Buchanan (Task Force Co-Chair, Reg'r)

Ken Stubbs (Reg'y)

David Maher (Reg'y) 

Milton Mueller (NCUC)


Reg'r  - Registrars Constituency

Reg'y - gTLD Registries Constituency

BC - Business & Commercial Users Constituency

NCUC - Non-Commercial Users Constituency)

IPC - Intellectual Property  Interests Constituency 

ISPCP - Internet Service Providers & Connectivity Providers Constituency

ALAC - At Large Advisory Committee 

Steve Metalitz (IPC)

Marilyn Cade (BC) 

David Fares (BC)

Maggie Mansourkia (ISPCP)

Wendy Seltzer (Liaison, ALAC)

Glen de Saint Gery - GNSO Secretariat

Maria Farrell - GNSO Policy Officer





1          Task force terms of reference* and workplan

There was a discussion on the order in which work items in the task force
terms of reference will be tackled.  (The work items of the terms of
reference are included at the end of this document as the discussion
referred to them by number.)



Decisions* (Steve Metalitz objected to this ordering of work items)

*       The task force calls before the Luxembourg meeting will focus on
items 5, 1 and 2. 
*       If possible within the time, work will be done on item 3.
*       Work on the list will be done on item 4, based on Ross Rader's
proposal on accuracy. 
*       After the Luxembourg meeting, the task force will resuming work on
item 4.



*       Jordyn will forward Ross Rader's proposal on accuracy to the mailing


2                   Planning for Luxembourg

Suzanne Sene provided information on the GAC working session in Luxembourg
on 10 July, 2005.   An agenda is expected to be circulated in approximately
two weeks. 


The GNSO Council has invited the task force to be present during the GNSO
open forum to address whois issues.  



*       The task force will propose to focus its time during the open forum
on items 1 and 2. 
*       The task force will prepare for the forum a proposed list of
questions it is seeking input onto act as a starting point for discussions
in the Luxembourg GNSO open forum.  
*       The task force will finalise the authoritative list of questions on
or directly after next week's call and then send them out to the



*       Jordyn will send to the list a proposed list of questions for input
ahead of next week's call.  
*       Task force members will provide input on the list of questions using
the mailing list and also on next week's call.  



3                Recommendation 2 - conflicts with national laws

Steve Metalitz and Kathy Kleiman are working offline on a revised draft and
will circulate it to the list for discussion. 



*       There will be a discussion of the revised draft on next week's call
(Tuesday, June 14th).




3                               Next task force call:


The next call will be held on Tuesday, June 16th 2005 and will deal with: 

.        The draft recommendation 1 on conflicts with national law, and

.        The proposed list of questions to solicit input on whois at the
GNSO public forum in Luxembourg. 







* WHOIS Task Force terms of reference tasks:

(1) Define the purpose of the WHOIS service in the context of ICANN's
mission and relevant core values, international and national laws protecting
privacy of natural persons, international and national laws
that relate specifically to the WHOIS service, and the changing nature of
Registered Name Holders.


(2) Define the purpose of the Registered Name Holder, technical, and
administrative contacts, in the context of the purpose of WHOIS, and the
purpose for which the data was collected. Use the relevant definitions from
<http://www.icann.org/gnso/transfers-tf/report-exhc-12feb03.htm> Exhibit C
of the Transfers Task force report as a starting point 


(3) Determine what data collected should be available for public access in
the context of the purpose of WHOIS. Determine how to access data that is
not available for public access. 



(4) Determine how to improve the process for notifying a registrar of
inaccurate WHOIS data, and the process for investigating and correcting
inaccurate data. Currently a registrar "shall, upon notification by any
person of an inaccuracy in the contact information associated with a
Registered Name sponsored by Registrar, take reasonable steps to investigate
that claimed inaccuracy. In the event Registrar learns of
inaccurate contact information associated with a Registered Name it
sponsors, it shall take reasonable steps to correct that inaccuracy."


(5) Determine how to resolve differences between a Registered Name Holder's,
gTLD Registrar's, or gTLD Registry's obligation to abide by all applicable
laws and governmental regulations that relate to the
WHOIS service, as well as the obligation to abide by the terms of the
agreements with ICANN that relate to the WHOIS service. [Note this task
refers to the current work in the WHOIS task force called 'Recommendation
2', A Procedure for conflicts, when there are conflicts between a
registrar's of registry's legal obligations under local privacy laws and
their contractual obligations to ICANN.]


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