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Re: [gnso-dow123] Follow up information

  • To: Liz Williams <liz.williams@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-dow123] Follow up information
  • From: Thomas Keller <tom@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:27:34 +0200

I strongly suggest to follow the guidance given by staff to move
forward appointing a single chair. I for myself consider Avri
as a great candiate and would like to second her nomination.



Am 26.04.2006 schrieb Liz Williams:
> Colleagues
> I said I would provide updated information to you from yesterday's call.
> As I said on the call yesterday, there is no impediment to Nominating  
> Committee members being full members of any GNSO Taskforce.  Members  
> of the PDPFEB06 Taskforce will be aware that this is indeed the case  
> in our recent experience with setting up that Taskforce.
> There is no impediment to any Nominating Committee member being  
> elected as chair of any Taskforce -- subject to the normal proposing  
> and seconding of nominations.
> There is an impediment to a joint chair scenario -- that situation is  
> not accounted for anywhere in the Bylaws and I would suggest, for the  
> smooth running of the group, that a single chair is appointed.  If  
> the workload was too much or the chair was unavailable for any  
> reason, I'd suggest the appointment of an "alternate chair" to step in.
> The only task that remains is for the GNSO Council to formally  
> appoint Avri to the Taskforce -- I presume that that can be done by  
> email to the GNSO Secretariat.
> Of course, come back to me with any further questions.
> Liz
> .....................................................
> Liz Williams
> Senior Policy Counselor
> ICANN - Brussels
> +32 2 234 7874 tel
> +32 2 234 7848 fax
> +32 497 07 4243 mob



(oo)    /|\     A cow is not entirely full of
  | |--/ | *    milk some of it is hamburger!
  w w w  w  

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