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[gnso-dt-wg] RE: Domain Tasting Outcomes Report version 1.6 part 2

  • To: <gnso-dt-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-dt-wg] RE: Domain Tasting Outcomes Report version 1.6 part 2
  • From: "Olof Nordling" <olof.nordling@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 10:44:11 +0200

Dear all,
Could anybody on the list please verify if the below message with part 2
actually made it all the way to you? It's registered as "sent OK" my end,
and no bounce at the server, but I haven't received it in my inbox...

-----Original Message-----
From: Olof Nordling [mailto:olof.nordling@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: den 4 oktober 2007 00:10
To: 'gnso-dt-wg@xxxxxxxxx'
Subject: Domain Tasting Outcomes Report version 1.6 part 2

Dear all, again,
...and here comes part 2.
Best regards

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