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RE: [gnso-dt-wg] Reviewing GTLD price increases' impact to tasting activity

  • To: gnso-dt-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-dt-wg] Reviewing GTLD price increases' impact to tasting activity
  • From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 14:06:07 -0400

Tim, I think it is a tenuous argument at best. Since the price increase only applies to the domains kept after the AGP, the effective cost per domain tasted is VERY small.


At 22/10/2007 12:44 PM, Tim Ruiz wrote:
Kristina, I think the idea is that the names being tasted at this point
are all out on the long tail of any potential return. So the threshold
for a name to be considered profitable is very narrow between its return
and its cost. A increase in registration cost would make it even
narrower and perhaps bring into the question whether tasting continues
to be a practical way to try to find the names that would still return a

I think that argument *may* have some merit, but I'm not completely
convinced either. Regardless, if that is the case, we should be able to
see the impact (or lack thereof) by monitoring the zone file activity
and not have to wait for the registry reports to be posted. And of
course, the registries can report on the impact separately and sooner
themselves if they choose to.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [gnso-dt-wg] Reviewing GTLD price increases' impact to
tasting activity
From: "Rosette, Kristina" <krosette@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, October 18, 2007 3:26 pm
To: "Jothan Frakes" <jfrakes@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-dt-wg@xxxxxxxxx>


I don't follow how the registry price increases will curb tasting if the
AGP is being used for no-charge registrations.  From my perspective, a
refund is a refund - it just may be a bigger one.  (It may be more
accurate to say that no charge is no charge.  The point is the same.)
It's not clear to me what market factor/disincentive you anticipate.
I'd like to understand the analysis.

Having said that, the likelihood that the IPC will be willing to wait an
additional six months is between slim and none.  If that makes us
imprudent and unreasonable, so be it.


From: owner-gnso-dt-wg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-dt-wg@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Jothan Frakes
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:26 PM
To: gnso-dt-wg@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-dt-wg] Reviewing GTLD price increases' impact to tasting


I acknowledge the desire to take action on domain tasting is strong
within some constituencies; I'd like to suggest that the recent price
increases enacted at registries may have a role in curbing the activity.

The recent price increases on the GTLDs may create a market factor that
significantly removes the financial benefit to tasting because of the
higher per unit cost.

Ultimately, this theory cannot be proved or disproved until data from
the registries for the month of November (the first full calendar month
that would reflect the results of the change) can be reviewed.

How soon would it be before we would see the registry reports that would
reflect November 2007 (the first full calendar month that would reflect
the change) in them to indicate if the GTLD price increases created a de
facto solution?

It seems to me that some review of the results of the price increases
before proposing any solution would be prudent and sensible.


Jothan Frakes

Oversee Domain Services

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