[gnso-idn-wg] Meaning of something being at support level
Hi, We have had certain parts of the meeting suggesting that various statements of support be removed. If these were statements of agreement, then i would understand someone arguing to have them degraded to support only. But if there is a statement of support for something, then it is understood that some people will disagree with it; otherwise, by definition, it would be a statement of agreement. and often during the meeting when I disagreed with a particular statement of support i did not say anything whereas if it was a statement of agreement I would have. As I suggested in an earlier message, it is appropriate for the people who don't support some statement to add an alternate statement, even one that politely explains why they think the support statement is brain dead. I do not think it is appropriate to remove a support statement because someone disagrees with it. I guess that is why I will argue against removing any statement that has support, even if I don't agree with it totally or even at all. a.