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[gnso-igo-ingo] Sub-team Mailing Lists

  • To: <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] Sub-team Mailing Lists
  • From: "Berry Cobb" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2013 19:36:50 -0700



It was requested to redistribute the sub-team mailing lists at today's
meeting.  Again, if you had not specifically signed up for a sub-team, you
did not get added to these sub-team lists and therefore you will not be able
to mail the list directly.  If you have suggestions or edits to any one or
all of work packages, please coordinate your proposal to the team lead for
that respective sub-team.  You are welcome to email the team lead directly,
or I suggest just using the gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx mailing list.


Nature of the Problem (NOTP) [email list: gnso-igo-ingo-notp@xxxxxxxxx]:

Leader:  Robin Gross


Qualification Criteria (QC) [email list: gnso-igo-ingo-qc@xxxxxxxxx]:

Leader:  Kiran Malancharuvil


Eligibility Check (EC) [email list: gnso-igo-ingo-ec@xxxxxxxxx]:

Leader:  Alan Greenberg


Protections (PROT) [email list: gnso-igo-ingo-prot@xxxxxxxxx]:

Leader:  David Maher


Admission (ADM) [email list: gnso-igo-ingo-adm@xxxxxxxxx]: 

Leader:  Avri Doria




Berry Cobb

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)






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