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[gnso-igo-ingo] IGO-INGO

  • To: <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] IGO-INGO
  • From: "Berry Cobb" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 19:58:07 -0700

Hi everyone,


Please see the note from our Chair about what we hope to accomplish for next
week.  Also when completing the attached form, we ask if could state whether
the response submitted is in your personal view or the view of the group you
most represent.  I will consolidate responses into one source as you send
them next week.  Thank you.  B



Thomas' note:



As discussed during last week's call, we need to determine soon whether we
proceed working on recommendations prior to publishing the report or whether
we should publish the report in order to be able to incorporate community
feedback into our thinking prior to a consensus call. The required minimum
comment period is 42 days from posting with 21 of those days being the reply


In the attached overview, you find my current assessment of where we are in
terms of consensus or the absence thereof. 


Please note that we have phrased the recommendations in a way that appeared
to find most support. In our discussions, we have also talked about higher
protection levels, but the support level for these was lower. 


What you should do:


1. Please go through the spreadsheet and check whether you agree with the
assessment of the current consensus level. If you think my assessment is
wrong, please let me know. Also, if you think my assessment needs updating
because you have changed the view you have previously represented, please
also let me know.


2. If you think you cannot or do not wish to support the recommendations in
the spreadsheet, but modifications thereof, please let us know and make a
concrete proposal for a wording. In order to avoid repetition: Please DO NOT
repeat positions you have already taken and which did not get traction with
the group. To give you an example: If you think you cannot support the
Trademark Claims Service as stated, but you would be able to support it if
it was offered for more than 90 days, you should say exactly what change you
need to support it. 


3. As far as INGOs are concerned, the current assessment is "divergence". I
have noted that the proposal made by Claudia was welcomed by some in the
group. However, I have not heard anyone else saying that they would support
the recommendation on an "as is" basis. Therefore, please DO confirm if you
support the recommendations or let us know what changes would need to be
made so you can support them. Also, if you have a different proposal, please
share it. Should we not get such feedback on the list, my assessment would
not change. 


You do not have to answer all questions; we would - however - take your
silence as a signal of no opposition. 


As time is of essence, we need your feedback by the end of next Tuesday.
Depending on the feedback we get, we will either confirm or cancel next
Wednesday's call. 


Thanks and kind regards,







Berry Cobb

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)






Attachment: IGO-INGO_Protection_Matrix_v1.0.xlsx
Description: Microsoft Office

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