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Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Draft Initial Report for IGO/INGO PDP WG

  • To: "Shatan, Gregory S." <GShatan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Draft Initial Report for IGO/INGO PDP WG
  • From: Mason Cole <mcole@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 10:40:07 -0700

Excellent point.

On May 29, 2013, at 8:59 AM, Shatan, Gregory S. wrote:

> One thing that struck me as I read the report – our Charter and the full name 
> of our WG refers to providing policy advice on protections in “All gTLDs.”  
> However, I think our focus has been almost exclusively on the context of the 
> new gTLDs. 
> This doesn’t pose a problem at the top level, since any future gTLD is going 
> to be a new gTLD.  However, as regards the second level, I think we need to 
> explicitly consider how our proposals work at the second level in existing 
> gTLDs (which do not have the TMCH, Sunrises, 90-day claims notices and the 
> URS, off the top of my head, and may have other differences – including the 
> issue of retroactivity (not necessarily saying that any proposal be 
> retroactive, just that it is an issue to address)).
> Greg
> From: owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx] On 
> Behalf Of Brian Peck
> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 2:01 PM
> To: gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx
> Cc: Erika Randall; Marika Konings
> Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] Draft Initial Report for IGO/INGO PDP WG
> To the Working Group Members,
> Please find attached the draft version of the IGO-INGO Initial Report for 
> your review. 
> In line with the discussions led by Thomas on our last call, the primary 
> objective of this Report is to highlight to the community the policy 
> recommendation options which the WG has considered in order to solicit direct 
> feedback and/or indications of support for specific options.  After receiving 
> community input the plan would be to hold a consensus call for the proposed 
> policy recommendations on special protections.
> As a result, the focus of the Report is Section 4, with less emphasis on 
> history, background, process/next steps. The Report notes to the community 
> that the proposed recommendation options do not represent a consensus 
> position and thus, we attempted to not include stakeholder positions on any 
> of the possible recommendations or any consensus level indications as 
> observed by the Chair or WG.  We have suggested some specific questions to 
> the community to solicit feedback which are included in the Objectives 
> Section. 
> We would greatly appreciate your review and submission of comments/edits you 
> may have in a timely manner so that we can publish the Report for public 
> comment by 30 May, which will give us enough time with the Reply Period to 
> meet the submission deadline for Durban.  In making edits/comments to this 
> Report, we would ask that any positions or comments on the proposed 
> recommendations be made through the public comment period rather than through 
> this Report.  
>  Input Deadline:  29 May 12:00 UTC
>  Next Meeting:  29 May 2013, 16:00 UTC
>  We will review the report and discuss proposed edits and changes at our next 
> meeting on the 29th.  It is important to have your suggestions submitted by 
> the deadline as to allow merging with the master copy of the report.
> ****NOTE****
> When providing feedback, please save a copy of this MS Word document with a 
> change of the file name to indicate who you are or represent.  Track changes 
> are turned on.  Please submit all comments you have about the report within 
> the Word document.  We would like to ensure we collate all feedback in one 
> location.
> Thank you in advance for your continued support and contributions to this WG. 
> Best Regards,
> Brian 
> Brian Peck
> Policy Director
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