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RE: [gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Proposed Public Comment Period for Initial Report
- To: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Thomas Rickert <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Mary.Wong@xxxxxxxxxxx" <Mary.Wong@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Proposed Public Comment Period for Initial Report
- From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:42:06 -0400
A couple of points:
- it makes no sense to have the comment period
end on one day and the reply period start many
days later. Just extend the reply period.
Otherwise you are saying that for the gap one
could not send a message to that e-mail address???
- I can support the proposed timings, but I think
that it makes a LOT more sense to extend the
comment period by 2 more days and give people an
opportunity to finalize and approve their
comments on Constituency Day (Tuesday). Then
start the 21 day reply. That will likely maximize
the SUBSTANTIVE comments, and that, after all, is
what we are trying to do. And it only adds 2 days to the proposal.
At 13/06/2013 12:48 PM, Gomes, Chuck wrote:
I dont think the concern is so much about
having comment periods run during ICANN meetings
as it is about the fact that during ICANN
meetings including associated travel time many
people have little or no time to spend on
comments. The main point as I recall was to
make sure that the length of comment periods was
extended when they overlap with ICANN meetings;
otherwise, the period is effectively cut short
for those who are involved in the meetings.
In the case of the Durban meeting, for many of
us, extending the initial comment period from
July 10 to 15 doesnt add any value for a couple
reasons: 1) we are traveling and/or too busy in
meetings to spend any time on public comments;
2) for groups that need to get support for
comments from there members, it is extremely
hard to do because so many people are traveling
or busy in meetings. If we are going to extend
the initial comment period into the ICANN
meetings, then we should do it until the 17th;
then SGs and constituencies could at least use
constituency day to finalize their comments and determine level of support.
From: owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Thomas Rickert
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:22 PM
To: Mary.Wong@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Proposed Public
Comment Period for Initial Report
it is true that comment periods should not
overlap with ICANN meetings. However, I guess
that this is to make sure that ICANN meetings do
not shorten a 21 day comment period.
In this case, we have proposed to have a longer
comment period of 30 days because of the ICANN
meeting. To be quit honest, I fail to see the
benefit of having a shorter comment period only
to have it ending before the meeting.
In my discussions with Brian and Berry, we
agreed it would be perceived a benefit to have
the 30 days. Have we been so wrong?
Am 13.06.2013 um 18:02 schrieb
I seem to recall some discussion within the GNSO
community a while ago relating to not having
comment periods run during ICANN meetings. As
such, would it be possible to end the initial
comment period just before the Durban meeting,
as Greg suggests, and start the reply period
immediately after the Durban meeting?
Thanks and cheers
Mary W S Wong
Professor of Law
Faculty Chair, Global IP Partnerships
Chair, Graduate IP Programs
Two White Street
Concord, NH 03301
Email: <mailto:mary.wong@xxxxxxxxxxx>mary.wong@xxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 1-603-513-5143
"Shatan, Gregory S." <<mailto:GShatan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>GShatan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"'Gomes, Chuck'"
Brian Peck
GNSO IGO INGO <<mailto:gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
6/13/2013 11:52 AM
[gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Proposed Public Comment Period for Initial Report
Maybe it would make sense to end the initial
comment period just a little earlier (somewhere
between July 10th and the 12th), so the period
is clear of Durban (+travel), commencing the
reply period thereafter (and keeping the reply
period end date on August 4). This would
mitigate the tendency of commenters to aim at
the deadline, and give a little more time to
compile and consider comments before the WG
meets in Durban. At the same time, it accounts
for the difficulty of dealing with drafting and Durban simultaneously.
On Behalf Of Gomes, Chuck
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:39 AM
To: Brian Peck; GNSO IGO INGO
Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Proposed Public Comment Period for Initial Report
I dont strongly object to this but do want to
express some concerns. Considering that a lot
of groups tend to submit their comments on the
last few days of the comment period, it seems to
me that ending the comment period on the 15th,
the 2nd official day of the Durban meetings and
the third day of meetings for many GNSO
participants might present some
challenges. Also, it would not allow much time
for review of the initial comments before our WG
meeting in Durban. I personally think that a
better solution would be to leave the initial
comment period at 21 days and extend the reply period by 7 days.
I understand that in reality there is not a lot
of practical difference between the initial and
reply comment periods so my concerns are
mitigated by that fact. In the case of the
RySG, I think that we should be able to submit
our initial comments in advance of travel dates,
which will start on the 10th or earlier for some
because of the very long travel time, so as
David already said, I am sure that the RySG can
live with the proposed plan. If other SGs and
constituencies feel the same way, then I would go with the proposal.
On Behalf Of Brian Peck
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:11 AM
Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] FW: Proposed Public Comment Period for Initial Report
Dear WG Members,
We are planning to publish the Initial Report
for public comment tomorrow, 14 June and wanted
to provide you with the proposed public comment
and reply periods. Taking into consideration
that the PDP WG Charter mandates the WG to
fulfill the requirements of the PDP "in an
expedited manner," while also recognizing that
under the minimum 21 day requirements for the
public comment period and reply period each, the
reply period would be open between 6 July and 26
July during which the Durban Meeting will take
place, after consulting with Thomas as Chair, we
are proposing the following timeframes:
Extend the public comment period by 9 days to
provide a 30 day period, starting 14 June and
ending at 23:59 on Sunday, 14 July
Maintain the 21 day period for the reply period,
starting 15 July and ending at 23:59 on Sunday, 4 August.
By extending the public comment period this
would provide as much time as possible prior to
the starting date of the Durban Meeting (instead
of the 21 day period ending on 5 July), while
also pushing back the reply period deadline by
nine days to provide extra time after the Durban
meeting. We realize that the timing of this
public forum during the Durban Meeting is not
the most optimal, but given the Charter mandate
we hope you agree that this is a workable solution.
As we would like to publish the report tomorrow
please advise if there are any strong objections
as soon as possible but no later than tomorrow,
Friday 14 June at 12:00 UTC otherwise we will
go with this schedule. Thank you very much for
your continued support and contributions to the WG.
Best Regards,
Brian Peck
Policy Director
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