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[gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Draft Final Report - Update

  • To: <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] RE: Draft Final Report - Update
  • From: "Berry Cobb" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:08:17 -0700



Please forgive my late night submission.


I should have stated "Consensus For" or "Consensus
Against"....NOT...."Divergence For" or "Divergence Against".


Thank you.  B


Berry Cobb

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)


 <mailto:mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx




From: Berry Cobb [mailto:mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 23:53
To: gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Draft Final Report - Update


WG Members,


Per our discussion today about recommendations assigned divergent levels of
consensus and how they may mask overwhelming opposition, I wanted to first
advise that I was able to confer with other ICANN staff to determine a path
forward.  In short, it was considered a higher risk to modify the substance
of the recommendations during the consensus call, but it was determined that
a method of assigning "Divergence Against" or "Divergence For" can be
utilized.  The requirement for the WG is that this assignment must be
consistent across all recommendations where divergence is assigned.
However, not all divergent recommendations clearly designate overwhelming
opposition like the General Recommendation #4 we discussed today.  


I feel it is important that I share and explain these potential
modifications to the consensus levels with Thomas before delivering the
report to the WG.  Therefore, this email does not include the next version
of the draft Final Report as promised in today's conference call.  I did
however make great progress with the updates to the draft Final Report.


As soon as I confer with Thomas (appx Thurs. 14 UTC), I will make any final
changes as necessary and send the next version of the report to the list.  I
will include a redline version (that will not contain the sections realigned
agreed to avoid massive redline) and a clean version of the report (w/ all
track changes accepted) for easier review.


Given the amount of changes, we will postpone the Public Comment Forum
announcement until Friday.  Per our work plan, we can afford an additional
day without missing the deadline for the BA GNSO Council meeting.


Please stay tuned.


Thank you.  B


Berry Cobb

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)






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