[gnso-igo-ingo] IGO-INGO WG - Draft GNSO Council motion
WG members, Please find attached a draft motion for discussion during our meeting tomorrow. Note that the Resolved clauses track the current language and consensus levels in the latest version of the Final Report circulated by Berry yesterday, and as such are subject to the WG's discussion and review tomorrow of the public comments received after our last call. A few explanatory notes about the draft motion: * We have tried to include in the Whereas clauses a fairly full history of the GNSO discussions and work on this issue, stemming from before this WG was formed and including relevant communications from the Board, GAC and others. * The Resolved clauses track and summarize the WG's recommendations by (1) Consensus levels; and (2) type of organization; meaning that the motion does not include those recommendations/proposals that did not achieve Consensus level support (as agreed on the call last week) - the Council will of course be aware of the WG's report and all its recommendations and reminded that it may, should it wish to do so, discuss at least some of those other recommendations/proposals for possible further action. A final version of the motion will be prepared after the WG's discussions this week, and sent to the GNSO Council by 10 November (the deadline for submission of all motions and documents due for voting and other actions in Buenos Aires). Thanks and cheers Mary Mary Wong Senior Policy Director Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) Telephone: +1 603 574 4892 Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx * One World. One Internet. * From: Berry Cobb Mail <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Monday, November 4, 2013 12:39 AM To: "gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] IGO-INGO - Final Report > WG Members, > > Please find attached the latest version of the IGO-INGO Final Report. > Versions 1.1 to 1.3 reflect changes as a result of moving the recommendations > section to the top of the report. I accepted those changes to reduce the > amount of red-line. V1.4 contains the red-line of the substantial changes. > It will be best for readers to read the report in the Final view, but please > make sure to also review comments that are appended on the side of the report > as they contain questions or comments that the WG should consider. The > following sections should be reviewed closely: > · Recommendations now in sections 3.1 to 3.5 > > · Section 3.5 now reflects ³Consensus Against² for the no reservation > protections of acronyms recommendations at the top and second level > > · Section 3.5 also includes a recommendation for the SCI of the GNSO > Council to review the Consensus Scale per WGG > > · Unsupported proposals now reside in section 3.6, which also contains > tables of proposals for each organization that did not receive support > > · Implementation considerations on incumbent gTLDs is section 3.7 and > includes reference to an IRT > > · Annex 4 contains a completed template for requesting an Issue Report > for a PDP > > > Please review the report in preparation for our review on Wednesday. I will > accept suggested edits until 23:59, 5 Nov for this round. This will allow me > time to collate all changes into the master. When submitting any suggestions, > please use the red-line track changes feature within v1.4 of the Word > document. If you are unable to submit changes, we will have a second round > after our Wednesday meeting. > > Note that we do have 1 hour meetings setup 7 & 8 November at 14:00 UTC for one > hour should we need those times to discuss any issues with the Final Report. > We have until 23:59, 10 Nov 2013 to submit the report to the GNSO Council. > > I will send along an agenda on Tuesday. Thank you. B > > Berry Cobb > Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) > 720.839.5735 > mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > @berrycobb > > Attachment:
CLEAN COPY Draft IGO INGO motion 5 Nov 2013.doc Attachment: