[gnso-igo-ingo] Latest revised draft motion for review/discussion
Dear WG members: Please find attached (1) a clean version of the latest version of the draft motion to be submitted to the GNSO Council; and (2) a redlined version of the same, comparing this latest version with the one that was sent around and discussed on the call earlier today (Thursday). I believe that we have captured most, if not all, of the suggested edits that Chuck, Stephane and the RCRC team, Jim and the IOC team, and Claudia and the INGO team, sent to us today, with the following exceptions and modifications: * There is now additional and alternative wording (highlighted in yellow and square-bracketed) dealing with the possibility that those recommendations/proposals that received Strong Support but Significant Opposition (SSbSO) may yet be dealt with by the Council as Consensus recommendations (per Chuck's note of yesterday). The WG may choose either one of the two options currently shown on the motion, or leave the decision to the GNSO Council. * Chuck, Jim and Claudia – we have taken on board all of your suggested edits and included them as much as we could while maintaining what we thought was language consistency across the motion. Please check that we have represented your suggestions and views accurately. * Stephane – we have also taken on board and accordingly amended some of the language of the motion, although not necessarily in the precise terms you may have suggested. One reason for this is that we wished to maintain consistency across all the Consensus recommendations, although we have inserted a reference to the Minority Statements in the Resolved clauses, as requested (which as I noted on the call earlier today is not usually done with GNSO Council motions). Please check that the resulting language is acceptable to you and the RCRC. Thanks to everyone for working through this fairly complicated and lengthy motions, especially those who pointed out several areas where I was not as accurate as I should have been. We look forward to discussing this and the final Report with you all on the call on Friday. Cheers Mary Mary Wong Senior Policy Director Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) Telephone: +1 603 574 4892 Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx * One World. One Internet. * Attachment:
Draft IGO INGO motion 7 Nov 2013 v5.doc Attachment:
REDLINE Draft Motion 7 Nov v5 compared to v4.docx