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RE: [gnso-impl-irtpc-rt] Re: For your review: Change of Registrant/Transfer Policy - by Thursday 12 March
- To: <gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-impl-irtpc-rt] Re: For your review: Change of Registrant/Transfer Policy - by Thursday 12 March
- From: "Berry Cobb" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 12:58:25 -0700
Hi Arthur,
Thank you for your input. For a hint of clarification, this thread is in
response to IRTP-C. Part D has yet to form an IRT. In regards to DMPM,
should the WG choose to continue forward with that use case, the intent will
be to seek input from that group.
Thanks again. B
Berry A. Cobb
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers
<mailto:mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: owner-gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Arthur Zonnenberg
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 03:09
To: Caitlin Tubergen; Knight, Barbara; gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx; Theo
Subject: Re: [gnso-impl-irtpc-rt] Re: For your review: Change of
Registrant/Transfer Policy - by Thursday 12 March
Hi group,
Thanks for the document, I have been quite busy and saw good contributions
by Theo and others so was less actively present during this IRTP D. I still
think registered name holder / user friendliness is not a part of ICANN
policy and that more effort should be put into measuring current transfer
That said, I also notice the Working Group on Data & Metrics for Policy
Making is brainstorming and searching for more specific input on what to do:
Is there something we can do for them to provide that input?
In any case, for this specific policy, please find my comments in addition
to the document with Barbara's comments attached. Feedback welcome as
Kind regards,
Arthur Zonnenberg
Product manager
<https://www.hostnet.nl/> Hostnet
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On 2015-03-07 02:24, Caitlin Tubergen wrote:
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for your feedback!
I have incorporated your changes/comments into the attached document, which
uses the most recent version of the IRTP.
Also, I took the liberty of adding some section numbers into the IRTP to it
slightly more organized.
Kind regards,
From: "Knight, Barbara" <BKnight@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, March 6, 2015 at 2:38 PM
To: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@xxxxxxxxx>,
"gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx>, Theo Geurts
Subject: RE: For your review: Change of Registrant/Transfer Policy - by
Thursday 12 March
I have reviewed the latest draft and have a few comments / recommended edits
(redlined in the attached). I will also be soliciting additional feedback
from others in the Registry community but did not want to hold up getting my
initial feedback over. I anticipate that any further feedback or comments
that may be forthcoming from the Registry community can be provided during
the comment period once it is posted for comments. Thanks for all of your
Description: Description:
Barbara Knight
Director of Registry Compliance
t: 703-948-3343
c: 703-622-1071
12061 Bluemont Way, Reston, VA 20190
<http://www.verisigninc.com/> VerisignInc.com
Description: Description: Description:
Description: VerisignT
From: owner-gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Caitlin Tubergen
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 10:19 PM
To: gnso-impl-irtpc-rt@xxxxxxxxx; Theo Geurts
Subject: [gnso-impl-irtpc-rt] For your review: Change of Registrant/Transfer
Policy - by Thursday 12 March
Hi All,
Thank you to everyone who participated in the call today. For those of you
who were unable to attend, please find a link to the recording here:
During the call, we discussed the outstanding issue from our last call,
which was the issue of third party privacy/proxy providers and the potential
challenge of transmitting the change of registrant credential to the
underlying registrant. The members of the IRT that were on the call with
okay with the proposed solution, which you will find in footnote 1.
The P/P issue was the last outstanding issue to discuss before we post the
draft policy for public comment.
I have attached the draft policy for your final review. You will note that
this is the hybrid "Transfer Policy," which will go out for public comment.
The Transfer Policy has two sections: the IRTP in section I, and the Change
of Registrant in section II. The hybrid policy was recommended by the WG.
As you may remember, we had already worked through recommendation 2, the
time limiting of FOAs, before we began discussing the Change of Registrant
If you have any final questions or comments on the draft policy, please
submit them to me by Thursday, 12 March.
Thank you!
Kind regards,

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