[gnso-irtp-b-jun09] ETRP
Dear All, Following the request of James, please find attached and posted on the wiki (https://st.icann.org/irtp-partb/index.cgi?irtp_part_b) an updated version of the proposed Expedited Transfer Reverse Policy. This version includes the modification proposed to item 3.5. In addition, I would like to propose a small modification to avoid confusion by changing the acronym from eTRP to ETRP as a small ‘e’ in Europe is associated with electronic (eGovernment, eInclusion, etc.). Could I ask those that suggested additional modifications (Michael, Kevin) to provide language for inclusion? Once all edits have been provided and reviewed by the WG, I’ll incorporate it in the draft Initial Report. With best regards, Marika Attachment:
ETRP Draft - 4 May 2010.doc