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[gnso-irtpc] Charter Question B

  • To: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>, IRTPC Working Group <gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-irtpc] Charter Question B
  • From: Bob Mountain <bmountain@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 11:50:49 +0000

Hello All,
Some proposed edits to the FoA language for pre-athorized transfers.
Tks Mtn.

Bob Mountain
Senior Vice President
Business Development
E: mtn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:bmountain@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
P: +1 781.839.2871    F: +1 781.839.2801  C: +1 508-878-0469

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From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 4:33 AM
To: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>>, 
IRTPC Working Group <gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: [gnso-irtpc] For your review - updated recommendations Charter 
Question A and B

Dear All,

All these documents, including an updated version of the recommendation for 
Charter Question C, as discussed on the mailing list yesterday, have now also 
been posted on the wiki: 
https://community.icann.org/display/gnsoirtppdpwg/For+review. Please share your 
edits / comments with the mailing list as soon as possible. I'm planning to 
integrate the recommendations into the Initial Report tomorrow (Thursday) so 
that you'll have a complete version for review.

With best regards,


From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>>
To: IRTPC Working Group <gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: [gnso-irtpc] For your review - updated recommendations Charter 
Question A and B

Dear All,

Please find attached for your review an updated version of the proposed 
recommendations for Charter Questions A and B. These updated versions include 
the comments and edits discussed on today's call as well as the changes 
proposed by Mikey (I did make a couple of minor edits to Mikey's language for 
readability purposes). To facilitate review, I've accepted all the changes from 
the previous version so that only the most recent changes are marked. Please 
use these versions for further review / comments on the mailing list.

Following further comments on the proposed changes for the recommendation for 
Charter Question C, I hope to circulate an updated version of the language for 
that recommendation as well.

You are encouraged to share your comments / edits / suggestions as soon as 
possible as we are still aiming to finalize the Initial Report by coming 
Friday, 1 June.



PNG image

Attachment: IRTP-C Recommendation Charter Question B - Updated 29 May 2012 - Mtn Edits.doc
Description: IRTP-C Recommendation Charter Question B - Updated 29 May 2012 - Mtn Edits.doc

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