[gnso-irtpc] Comment #18
Team, In review of comment 18, the WG asked for context of the comment posted. By review of the transcript, it looks as though it came from Christian Mueller. Comment: When you change house or telephone number, you also need to provide proof of ownership so it is not unreasonable to ask for a similar confirmation in the context of change of registrant. Dialogue in Prague (p9-11): Christian Mueller: Yes, Christian Mueller from (Straddle). Okay, where are we? First of all it was about time periods right? How long - let's start from the back. How long should the authorization should be valid? We think that 30 days is actually what we want to have. If it's longer, than make it multiple of months. So don't do 45 days, 27.6 days or 62 days. But do it 30 or 60 days. Otherwise customers get confused because they are simple minded. Their interest is not domain industry, but other stuff. And so they need an easy way to calculate how long it would be valid. And that's months or - and not fractions of months or something. Our - I would say 30 days. Furthermore, what was the other question? Help me out with that. So what is an update right? Was that the question? James Bladel: Oh yes, where's the threshold for change of registrant, yes. Christian Mueller: Yes and we'd say name or address. But not phone number, email address or something like that. And name or address, many people argue that name changes alone should be sufficient while address, if you are moving, is not a good thing. On the other hand, my name is Christian Mueller, which is obviously one of the very common German names. I used to live on a street where we had three Christian Mueller's on one street. So to, you know, separate possible domain owners with street address, even the house number in this case was significant. The important - or the nice thing about that is I got a lot of postcards from different countries. Hi Christian, we are now in South Africa. The weather's nice. And I'd go what? So name alone is not sufficient. You need the - your home address. But phone numbers, changes, updates should not be, you know, (a change of owner). What else? Sort of a grace period after changes we say no. So if you change the owner wide limit, that would - why do we - we are not in favor of this kind of period is that people make mistakes. They change owner and mistype the new owner or the address of the new owner. And then we have no way of correcting that for the next let's say 60 days or so. We see that this is, at least with mass customers, is a more often problem than, you know, misuse of changing the owner (rapidly). Is that customers misspell something, mistype something because they actually type in their names in our (storefront). And, you know, they quite often do mistakes. And then they call our customer service and say yes, my address is this and that and not this and that. And can we correct that? And in the future we would have to say no for the next two months let's say, we can't do that. And, you know, that might be a problem. Berry Cobb Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) 720.839.5735 mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx @berrycobb Attachment:
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