[gnso-lockpdp-wg] Proposed agenda and materials for review
Dear All, Please find below the proposed agenda for the next UDRP Domain Name Lock WG meeting (Thursday 21 February at 15.00 UTC). You are strongly encouraged to review the latest version of the straw man proposal (attached) and share any remaining comments / edits with the mailing list ahead of the meeting as the aim is to 'finalise' the straw man proposal following Thursday's call for inclusion in the Initial Report. You are also encouraged to start reviewing the latest draft of the Initial Report (see attached). Thanks Marika Proposed Agenda UDRP Domain Name Lock Working Group Meeting 21 February 2013 1. Roll Call / SOI Updates 2. Review of latest version of straw man proposal (see attached) 3. Definition of 'lock' - in the straw man proposal we define 'lock' in this context as preventing any changes of registrar and registrant. Does more work need to be done on this definition, or should we just create an additional recommendation that provides this definition? 4. Deadlines for review of straw man proposal and Initial Report Review 5. Next steps / confirm next meeting Attachment:
Draft Straw Man Proposal - Updated 19 February 2013.doc Attachment:
UDRP Domain Name Lock Initial Report - Updated 19 February 2013.doc Attachment: