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[gnso-osc-csg] Re: Next steps

  • To: OSC-CSG Work Team <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] Re: Next steps
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 16:59:39 -0300

Dear Working Team,

In preparation for our conference call tomorrow let me summarize what we
have achieved so far:

1- Subtask 1.3, SS has sent documents to our list, I personally have read
them and have no comments. Anyway these documents are mostly focused on
constituency issues, so comments coming from other working team members who
are acitive participans in constituencies are welcome.

2- Subtask 1.2 Victoria have already recieved feedback to her document,
which is very complete and she should be preparing a new version including

3- Subtask 1.3 Krista, Tony and myself have been interacting in relation
with a document for subtask 1.3.

4- Subtask 1.4, Julie should add suggestions sent by Claudio, if possible.

Our goal should be to have these draft pieces of documents by tomorrow and
discuss next steps.

If we have the documents then we could work on a first draft complete
version of recommendations.

Any comments or corrections to my summary are welcome.

Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow!

Best regards


2009/9/1 Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Dear Work Team members,
> Please remember that we have a due date today for commenting on Victoria´s
> document.
> We are also expecting other pieces of information from other subworking
> teams.
> Thanks for all those who have contributed with documents, comments and
> exchange of ideas.
> We are making good progress.
> Remember also that we will have a conference call next Friday 4 September
> 13:00 GMT and hopefuly we will have the basic documents to prepare our
> recommendations.
> Best regards
> Olga
> 2009/8/28 Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Dear Work Team members,
>> First let me commend all of you for all the work done so far.
>> We have made a great progress and we still have some more work to do in
>> order to reach our gol in finishing a recommendations draft document by the
>> end of next week.
>> In this sense let me summarize what was discussed in our conference call
>> today:
>> 1. WT should look and comment SS document.
>> SS will add background and additional information and will circulate new
>> version of the document.
>> 2. A due date for sending comments to Victoria´s document is set for next
>> Tuesday, members of subworking team are welcome to comment and the rest of
>> the wt also can comment.
>> 3. Krista and Tony will send to the list their draft recommendations
>> document, Victoria will join them in doing this task.
>> WT should review and comment the document once sent to the list.
>> 4. Julie: is it possible to consider / include Claudio´s suggestions to
>> your draft document about subtask 4?
>> 5. Formatting of the final draft recommendations document: my suggestion
>> is to use the same format that Julie and Chuck use in theirs: references,
>> introduction, background, recommendations and add a general conclusion. I
>> volunteer for preparing the general draft once we have the different parts
>> ready.
>> 6. Timing: we should define the due date for sending our draft document to
>> the OSC.
>> Chuck, could you please help us defining this date? Considering that the
>> document must be approved by the OSC and by the GNSO council and next
>> conference call of GNSO are Sept 3 and Sept 24.
>> Remember that we have our next conference call next Friday 1300 GMT.
>> Have a nice weekend and thanks again for your active participation and
>> hard work.
>> Best
>> Olga
>> --
>> Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.
>> www.south-ssig.com.ar
> --
> Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.
> www.south-ssig.com.ar

Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.

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