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[gnso-osc-csg] Next steps CSG Work Team

  • To: OSC-CSG Work Team <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] Next steps CSG Work Team
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 13:02:16 -0300

Thanks for your participation in the conference call today.

These are comments and next steps agreed after the call, feel free to add or
suggest changes, in some moments I had difficulties in hearing you well.

Next steps - Comments

New members to the WT:

Considering the guidelines and charter, there is a limit of 4 GNSO council
members to our WT.

With the inclusion of Debbie Hughes there will be 5 GNSO WT members: Zahid,
Rafik, Chuck, Debbie and Olga.

In order to explain this situation Michael and myself will draft a
justification letter with the rationale behind this extended GNSO

Other option was offered by Chuck, stepping down from our WT and being our
reference in his role of OSC chair and GNSO Chair. Many of the wt members
present in the call expressed interest in Chuck remaining as a wt member.

In relation with Subtask Draft Documents:

1.1 and 1.3 both documents are available for WT comments.
There is a due date for recieveing comments: November 13.
Once comments have been recieved, subworking team leaders will have time to
incorporate them into the text.

In the face to face OSC meeting it was agreed that there is value in sending
outcome documents as separate ones. We should have this in mind specially
once we have revised versions of 1.1 and 1.3 documents.
1.3 draft document could be very useful for the Communications Working Team,
Krista has already contacted the wt chair.

1.2 Draft document.
There are still work to be done by subworking team members to find a final
text for the document.

There is an email sent to the wt list from Victoria expessing her
desire of resigning
from this WG. Michael and myself will contact Victoria.

In relation with someone wanting to leave the working team, although there
is no specific language in our charter, the general practice is:

- Nothing can prevent someone from resigning his/her membership.
- It should be confirmed
- Group should strive to minimize people leaving.

We should find a date for our next conference call, considering that some of
us are travelling to Egypt. November 20 is not good for me as I am
travelling back from there.

Thanks for your participation.

Regards and have a nice weekend!


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