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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 26 March 2010 Meeting

  • To: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 26 March 2010 Meeting
  • From: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:42:23 +0900

Hi Chuck,

for editing, maybe we should think to use tool like
http://etherpad.com/which allow realtime collaboration and
highlighting edits



2010/3/30 Gomes, Chuck <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

>  I don't understand why there appear to be edits made in quotations from
> the BGC report (e.g., Section 1.1)
> After finalizing this document in terms of content, I suggest that a clean
> MS Word version be created and that a new redline version be created with
> minor, non-substantial edits be done because the wording is very poor in
> lots of cases, probably because of the many edits.  I did not comment on
> these kinds of edits below.
> In II.1.c, I think "A member who has served two consecutive terms on the
> Executive Committee must remain out of office for one full term prior to
> serving any subsequent term as a member of the Executive Committee."
> should be changed to "A member who has served four consecutive years on
> the Executive Committee must remain out of office for one full term prior to
> serving any subsequent term as a member of the Executive Committee."  I
> think the same change applies to II.4.
> II.3.a (formerly b) has what appears to be an incomplete sentence: "should
> be open and publicly archived --with posting rights limited to members at
> the election of the".
> II.9 needs some serious editing.
> II.11 - Not sure a handbook is worth the effort if the recommendations are
> concisely and clearly written.
> II.12 - What is the purpose of this: "We recommend that all
> recommendations above, apply also to the Contracted House Stakeholder
> Groups." ?  I thought the plan was to refer to Constituencies and SGs in
> all cases.
> Who is the "we" in Part IV?  What is the purpose of this section?  Why are
> the subsections numbered 3.x?
> This document is way too long.
> Using a wiki is terribly ineffecience for such a long document.
> Chuck
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx]
> *On Behalf Of *Julie Hedlund
> *Sent:* Friday, March 26, 2010 3:48 PM
> *To:* gnso-osc-csg
> *Subject:* [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 26 March 2010 Meeting
> Dear Work Team members,
> Here are the actions/summary from today’s meeting and posted on the wiki
> at: *https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team
> *..  Please let me know if you have any changes or questions.  Our next
> meeting will be held *Friday, 09 April at 1300 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST for
> one hour.*   Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Julie
> *Action Items*:
> *1. Task 1, Subtask 2: (See the wiki at: **
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_and_stake_holder_group_operations_work_team_task_1_subtask_2
> *. )
> *
>    - *Work Team members should review all changes through Section 8.
>    Policy and provide comments to the list not later than Friday, 01 April. It
>    will be assumed that all changes are agreed to if no comments are received.
>    *
>    - *Rafik Dammak* agreed to ask Mary Wong if she had suggestions for
>    alternative language for Section 8. Policy, paragraph b. "Committee 
> meetings
>    should be open for attendance by all {GROUP} members –- and at the election
>    of the Constituency -- to the public.”
>    - *Krista Papac* agreed to review Claudio DiGangi's suggested language
>    (added to the wiki) to Section 4. Voting as it also could be applied to
>    Section 1. Executive Committees to maintain consistency.
> *B) REMAINING SECTIONS:* *Work Team members should review the remaining
> sections of Task 1, Subtask 2 and send comments to the list:
> *
>    - *9. GNSO WG; *
>    - *10. Reference to Code of Practice at Annex B (and Annex B text); *
>    - *11. Reference to Handbook on Common Rules and Principles;   *
>    - *12. Reference to recommendations applying to Contracted House
>    Stakeholder Groups; and *
>    - *Part IV: Analysis
>    *
> *2. Task 1, Subtask 3: Julie will load the latest version from Krista on
> the wiki.* Work Team members are requested to review the document in
> preparation for the meeting on Friday, 09 April.
> *3. Task 2: Outreach:* *Debbie Hughes will provide some ideas to begin the
> discussion on the Sub Team. *The Sub Team members are: Debbie (leader),
> Olga Cavalli, Rafik Dammak, Claudio DiGangi, Chuck Gomes, and Michael Young.
> *Summary:
> *
>    - Olga noted that Philip Sheppard, the new Chair of the Operations
>    Steering Committee, has requested that the Work Team complete its work by 
> 01
>    June in preparation for the ICANN meeting in Brussels. Olga explained to
>    Philip that the Work Team might not be able to complete Task 2, but would
>    complete the remaining subtasks of Task 1. She recommended that the Work
>    Team should finish Task 1, Subtask 2 by the next meeting and begin a review
>    of Task 1, Subtask 3, and asked Krista to send the latest version for Julie
>    to load on the wiki.
>    - The Work Team discussed additional changes to Section 1. Elections
>    and Section 4. Voting. Claudio provided revised language to the list for
>    consideration. Krista agreed to review Section 1. Elections in view of
>    Claudio's revised language.
>    - The Work Team agreed to retain the previous changes in Section 5.
>    Voting. Rafik agreed to ask Mary Wong if she had suggestions for 
> alternative
>    language for Section 8. Policy, paragraph b. "Committee meetings should be
>    open for attendance by all Constituency {GROUP} members –- and at the
>    election of the Constituency -- to the public."
>    - On Task 2, Olga asked for volunteers for a Task Sub Team. Debbie
>    Hughes agreed to be the leader of the Sub Team and the other volunteers
>    were: Olga Cavalli, Rafik Dammak, Claudio DiGangi, Chuck Gomes, and Michael
>    Young.
>    -

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