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RE: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 26 March 2010 Meeting

  • To: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx>, Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 26 March 2010 Meeting
  • From: Victoria McEvedy <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:01:52 +0000

I think Mary’s suggestions are excellent and I support either version. My view 
is these committees ---where all the crucial work of the Groups is done –most 
definitely need transparency, term limits and openness, real rotation of 
members and leaders as well as disclosure of work and work product –at least 
within the Group.  This is not currently happening in some Groups and goes to 
the very heart of all reforms.

Best regards,

Victoria McEvedy



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From: owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of Rafik Dammak
Sent: 30 March 2010 02:48
To: Julie Hedlund
Cc: gnso-osc-csg
Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 26 March 2010 Meeting


Mary sent her suggestions and there are two alternative:

#1: "Policy Committee meetings shall be open for attendance by all {GROUP} 
members, and, subject to any express provisions otherwise in a {GROUP} Charter, 
shall also be open for attendance by the public."

#2: "Policy Committee meetings shall be open for attendance by all {GROUP} 
members, and, subject only to the conditions specified in this Section 8(b), 
shall also be open for attendance by the public. These conditions are either 
that (i) the {GROUP} Charter expressly restricts attendance at a particular 
type of Policy Committee meeting; or (ii) the Policy Committee decides, in its 
reasonable discretion, that the nature of a particular Policy Committee meeting 
is such that attendance should be limited only to {GROUP} members. Provided 
that, in the case of condition (ii), the Policy Committee shall inform all 
{GROUP} members of its decision to restrict attendance at the meeting as soon 
as practicable and in any case prior to the commencement of the meeting, and it 
shall further use reasonable efforts to make public any decisions taken at that 
meeting as soon as possible thereafter."



2010/3/27 Julie Hedlund 

Dear Work Team members,

Here are the actions/summary from today’s meeting and posted on the wiki at: 
https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team..  Please 
let me know if you have any changes or questions.  Our next meeting will be 
held Friday, 09 April at 1300 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST for one hour.   Thank you 
very much.

Best regards,


Action Items:
1. Task 1, Subtask 2: (See the wiki at: 

*       Work Team members should review all changes through Section 8. Policy 
and provide comments to the list not later than Friday, 01 April. It will be 
assumed that all changes are agreed to if no comments are received.
*       Rafik Dammak agreed to ask Mary Wong if she had suggestions for 
alternative language for Section 8. Policy, paragraph b. "Committee meetings 
should be open for attendance by all {GROUP} members –- and at the election of 
the Constituency -- to the public.”
*       Krista Papac agreed to review Claudio DiGangi's suggested language 
(added to the wiki) to Section 4. Voting as it also could be applied to Section 
1. Executive Committees to maintain consistency.

B) REMAINING SECTIONS: Work Team members should review the remaining sections 
of Task 1, Subtask 2 and send comments to the list:

*       9. GNSO WG;
*       10. Reference to Code of Practice at Annex B (and Annex B text);
*       11. Reference to Handbook on Common Rules and Principles;
*       12. Reference to recommendations applying to Contracted House 
Stakeholder Groups; and
*       Part IV: Analysis

2. Task 1, Subtask 3: Julie will load the latest version from Krista on the 
wiki. Work Team members are requested to review the document in preparation for 
the meeting on Friday, 09 April.

3. Task 2: Outreach: Debbie Hughes will provide some ideas to begin the 
discussion on the Sub Team. The Sub Team members are: Debbie (leader), Olga 
Cavalli, Rafik Dammak, Claudio DiGangi, Chuck Gomes, and Michael Young.


*       Olga noted that Philip Sheppard, the new Chair of the Operations 
Steering Committee, has requested that the Work Team complete its work by 01 
June in preparation for the ICANN meeting in Brussels. Olga explained to Philip 
that the Work Team might not be able to complete Task 2, but would complete the 
remaining subtasks of Task 1. She recommended that the Work Team should finish 
Task 1, Subtask 2 by the next meeting and begin a review of Task 1, Subtask 3, 
and asked Krista to send the latest version for Julie to load on the wiki.
*       The Work Team discussed additional changes to Section 1. Elections and 
Section 4. Voting. Claudio provided revised language to the list for 
consideration. Krista agreed to review Section 1. Elections in view of 
Claudio's revised language.
*       The Work Team agreed to retain the previous changes in Section 5. 
Voting. Rafik agreed to ask Mary Wong if she had suggestions for alternative 
language for Section 8. Policy, paragraph b. "Committee meetings should be open 
for attendance by all Constituency {GROUP} members –- and at the election of 
the Constituency -- to the public."
*       On Task 2, Olga asked for volunteers for a Task Sub Team. Debbie Hughes 
agreed to be the leader of the Sub Team and the other volunteers were: Olga 
Cavalli, Rafik Dammak, Claudio DiGangi, Chuck Gomes, and Michael Young.

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